2.1 Heosbox description
The Heosbox series units are water-cooled condensing units for medium
(MT) and low (LT) temperature commercial refrigeration applications,
designed and manufactured in compliance with specific current European
and international product standards. Heosbox can be coupled to a wide
range of refrigerated showcases and cold rooms. The modular solution
offers considerable benefits in terms of simple installation, handling,
maintenance and interchangeability. Heosbox is a partly-completed
machine and as such must be appropriately connected to a system
fitted with an evaporator. The unit therefore essentially comprises: a
partial refrigerant circuit and an electrical panel with power distribution
and control systems. Being a partly-completed unit, Heosbox is supplied
without refrigerant, however pre-charged with nitrogen for safe storage.
Heosbox must be installed in the evaporator system and charged with
refrigerant in compliance with the regulations in force, otherwise the
warranty will be void.
Heosbox is specifically designed to be used with medium and low
temperature showcases with air-cooled evaporator coils and connected
to water loop condensation heat transfer systems. The unit can efficiently
control the temperature inside the refrigerated showcase through the
integrated sophisticated modulating controller and connection to the
external water loop. The equipment and instruments for managing the
condensation heat transfer water system are not supplied with Heosbox.
The control software is described in the HEOS manual, Carel part number
Part number
evaporator (SE),
Medium and low
temperature (MT/LT),
NAM design
(see Fig. 2.a)
Multi-evaporator (ME),
medium temperature
(MT) and
low temperature (LT),
NAM design (see Fig. 2.b)
Unit complete with refrigerant circuit,
without electronic expansion valve,
electrical panel and probe kit (included
inside the panel) for complete control
of a medium and low temperature
Heosbox unit equipped with electrical
panel, probe kit and refrigerant circuit,
without electronic expansion valve. The
unit, called the multi-evaporator Main,
shares the refrigerant circuit with all of
the connected evaporators, and coordi-
nates the multi-evaporator Secondary
2.2 Heosbox unit configurations
The Heosbox series units differ in terms of type of application, as shown
in Tab. 2.a.
Design Conformity
Applications available
Single Evaporator, Medium and Low Temperature (SE-MT/LT)
UL 1995/2015
Multi-Evaporator, Medium Temperature (ME-MT)
Multi-Evaporator, Low Temperature (ME-LT)
There are three applications available and these differ according to the
number of evaporators that the unit must serve (up to five showcases in
multi-evaporator configuration) and the expected control temperature
(medium or low temperature showcases), as shown below in tab. 2.b.
Caution: the default SW configuration of the multi-evaporator
activates a simultaneous defrost on all evaporators only when the
compressor stops (parameter d2 = 1, start and end). This condition is
consistent with the specific electrical panel construction of Heosbox that
avoids the simultaneous activation of the compressor and defrost heaters.
The modification of default value of the d2 parameter can cause a system
alarm during the defrost operation.
The units can operate in a stand-alone configuration or as part of a Main/Secon-
dary sub-network where the different showcases, each with an independent
refrigerant circuit, can carry out coordinated actions as specified in the control
manual "+0300078EN".
No electronic expansion valve is included. This must be ordered separately, after
having been suitably sized according to the Heosbox version and the type of
evaporator it will be combined with. Carel Industries S.p.A. can provide support
for the sizing of the electronic expansion valve, however cannot be held liable
for the design or installation of the aforementioned expansion valves if the sizing,
positioning, installation and operating criteria described in this manual and in
the documents supplied with the electronic expansion valves have not been
complied with.
The Heos controller can manage up to five multi-evaporator Secondary units,
therefore a total of six evaporators. For best control, Carel Industries S.p.A. recom-
mends a maximum of 3 multi-evaporator units.
Carel Industries S.p.A. can provide support for the design of the multi-evaporator
configuration, however cannot be held liable in any way for the design itself or the
No electronic expansion valve is included. This must be ordered separately, after
having been suitably sized according to the Heosbox version and the type of
evaporator it will be combined with. Carel Industries S.p.A. can provide support
for the sizing of the electronic expansion valve, however cannot be held liable
for the design or installation of the aforementioned expansion valves if the sizing,
positioning, installation and operating criteria described in this manual and in
the documents supplied with the electronic expansion valves have not been
complied with.
Heos BOX - NAM version +0300097EF - rel. 1.0 - 17.06.2021
Tab. 2.a
Tab. 2.b