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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 1 o w n e r s m a n u a l Series...
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OS speakers and be placed above or below the We are proud to welcome you as a new owner of a Mirage speaker system. The television. finest components and materials are manufactured to exacting standards and...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 3 o w n e r s m a n u a l SURROUND CHANNEL CC CENTER CHANNEL The surround speakers should be positioned adjacent to and slightly behind the 1.
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To maximize the Omnipolar dispersion potential, bring the speaker as close to the front of the cabinet as possible. CONNECTIONS The Mirage OS series is equipped with high quality binding posts that permit the use of banana plugs, spades, or a bare wire connection. Connect the speaker wire from the positive (RED +) terminal on the amp to the positive (RED+) terminal on the speaker.
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Nous vous remercions de la confiance que vous manifestez à l’égard des DE SÉCURITÉ - LIRE enceintes acoustiques Mirage. Des matériaux et composants de premier choix ATTENTIVEMENT ! sont fabriqués et mis à l’essai au moyen de techniques évoluées de fabrication et de contrôle de la qualité.
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 6 m a n u e l d e l ’ u t i l i s a t e u r CANAUX GAUCHE ET DROIT b. Commencez par marquer sur le mur l’emplacement des vis de fixation du support, puis vissez le support au mur.
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étagère. Pour tirer pleinement profit du rayonnement omnipolaire, placez l’enceinte le plus près possible du bord avant de l’étagère. CONNEXIONS Les enceintes de la série Mirage OS sont dotées de bornes de raccordement de très haute qualité qui permettent l’utilisation de fiches bananes et de cosses rectangulaires.
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Le rogamos que seis pies de distancia entre sí, la mejor posición de escucha sería de nueve pies conserve la caja y el material de embalaje de este producto MIRAGE para de distancia protegerlo en caso de que deba enviarlo a un servicio de reparación.
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 9 m a n u a l d e l p r o p i e t a r i o CANAL ENVOLVENTE CC (CANAL CENTRAL) Los altavoces envolventes deben colocarse cerca del área principal de audición y 1.
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Omnipolar, ponga el altavoz lo más cerca posible del frente del mueble. CONEXIONES La serie Mirage OS está equipada con bornes de alta calidad que permiten utilizar clavijas banana, terminales de horquilla o conductores desnudos. Conecte el cable del altavoz del terminal positivo (ROJO +) del amplificador al terminal positivo (ROJO+) del altavoz.
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CANALE CENTRALE Un canale centrale dovrebbe riprodurre fino al 60% della colonna sonora di un Rallegramenti per essere tra i nuovi acquirenti di un sistema di speaker Mirage! filmato ove predomini il dialogo. Al fine di riprodurre fedelmente l’effetto vocale Sia componenti che materiali, rispondenti a precisi standard, sono stati che emana dalla bocca dell’attore, l’OS...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 12 m a n u a l e d e l l ’ u t e n t e CANALE AD EFFETTO “SURROUND” (LETT., “CHE CANALE CENTRALE OS CIRCONDA”) 1.
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Omipolar, si consiglia di posizionare l’altoparlante il più vicino possibile alla parte anteriore del mobiletto. CONNESSIONI La serie Mirage OS è dotata di morsetti di ottima qualità che rendono possible l’uso di spine a banana, di capocorda a forcella o di connessione con un conduttore nudo del cavo.
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MIRAGE OS SERIE Regel nur 30% reflektierten Schall wiedergeben. Es ist denn auch der zusätzlich reflektierte Schall eines Mirage Omnipolar Lautsprechers, der in Ihrer Wohnung Wir empfehlen, dass Sie alle Anleitungen dieses Handbuches genauestens dieses phantastische dreidimensionale Klangerlebnis schafft. beachten, um sicher zu stellen, dass Ihr Audio-System ordnungsgemäß installiert ist und gut funktioniert.
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 15 b e n u t z e r h a n d b u c h Die ideale Höhe zur Positionierung des Lautsprechers wäre etwas höher als die b.
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Vorderkanten Ihres Regals bzw. Musikschrankes abschließen lassen. ANSCHLÜSSE Die Lautsprecher der Mirage OS Serie haben hochwertige Apparateklemmen für den Anschluss von Bananensteckern, Gabelschuhen oder normalen Stiftsteckern. Verbinden Sie zunächst den positiven (RED+) Anschluss des Verstärkers mit dem positiven Anschluss (RED+) des Lautsprechers.
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OS CC og OS CC anbringes centralt mellem højre og Vi er stolte over at kunne byde Dem velkommen som en ny ejer af en Mirage venstre OS højttaler og over eller under fjernsynet. højttaler. De bedste komponenter og materialer er fremstillet, så de overholder nøjagtige standarder, og de er afprøvet ved hjælp af højt udviklet fremstillings-...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 18 b r u g e r v e l e d n i n g SURROUND KANAL CC MIDTERKANAL: Surround højttalerne bør anbringes ved siden af og en smule bag det foretrukne 1.
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TILSLUTNINGER Mirage OS series er udstyret med tilslutningsklemmer af høj kvalitet, der gør det muligt at anvende banan- eller spadestik eller en uisoleret ledning til tilslutningen.
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PAS OP! BELANGRIJKE INLEIDING Wij zijn trots om u als nieuwe eigenaar van een Mirage luidspreker installatie te VEILIGHEIDS INFORMATIE. mogen verwelkomen. De beste componenten en materialen worden gemaakt,...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 21 e i g e n a a r h a n d l e i d i n g De ideale hoogte is om de luidspreker op oorhoogte te installeren wanneer de b.
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AANSLUITINGEN De Mirage OS series zijn voorzien van hoge kwaliteit bindingpunten die het gebruik van banaanpluggen, vorken, of blote kabel aansluitingen mogelijk maken. Sluit de luidsprekerkabel vanaf de positieve (ROOD+) terminal van de versterker aan met de (ROOD+) terminal van de luidspreker.
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á r i o INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA INTRODUÇÃO Parabéns pela sua compra de um sistema de alto-falantes Mirage. Os melhores IMPORTANTES – LEIA COM materiais e componentes são fabricados e testados com técnicas de controlo de ATENÇÃO!
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 24 m a n u a l d o p r o p r i e t á r i o CANAIS ESQUERDO E DIREITO b. Ponha o suporte de montagem mural contra a parede no lugar onde deseja instalar o alto-falante e marque com um lápis a posição dos parafusos.
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CONEXÕES Os modelos da série OS da Mirage estão equipados com blocos de terminais de alta qualidade que permitem o uso de conectores tipo "banana", de fio duplo ou fio descoberto. Conecte o fio de conexão do terminal positivo (VERMELHO+) do amplificador ao terminal positivo (VERMELHO+) do alto-falante.
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РУКОВОДСТВО ДЛЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ DDTLTYBT BYCNHERWBZ Gjplhfdkztv Dfc c ghbj,htntybtv yjdjq cthbb frrecnbxtcrjq GJ NT{YBRT <TPJGFCYJCNB – cbcntvs vfhrb Mirage. Cfvst kexibt rjvgjytyns b GHJXBNFQNT DYBVFNTKMYJ} vfnthbfks9 bcgjkmpjdfyyst ghb ghjbpdjlcndt bpltkbz d cjjndtncndbb c pfdjlcrbvb cnfylfhnfvb9 enjyxtyyfz Ghjxbnfqnt Bycnherwb.6 Gthtl ghbvtytybtv lfyyjuj nt[yjkjubz ghjbpdjlcndf b ghjdthrb9 j,tcgtxbdf.n...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 27 РУКОВОДСТВО ДЛЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ b7 Yfxybnt c jnvtnjr rfhfylfijv hfcgjkj;tybz iehegjd KTDSQ B GHFDSQ RFYFKS rhjyintqyf yf cntyt7 Gjckt =njuj ghbrhenbnt rhjyintqy Ukfdyjt eckjdbt lkz vtcnjgjkj;tybz lbyfvbrjd =nj iehegfvb r cntyt7 E,tlbntcm9 xnj ds rhtgbnt r ghjxyjq xfcnb ecnfyjdrf cntys7 Gjckt njuj rfr rhjyintqy pfrhtgkty yf cntyt lbyfvbr...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 29 n o t e s...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 30 d i a g r a m s 2a Wall mount instructions...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 31 d i a g r a m s 2b Wall mount instructions 2c Ceiling mount instructions...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 33 d i a g r a m s...
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All manuals and user guides at OS3(8.5x8.5)4:Layout 1 5/21/08 2:07 PM Page 35 n o t e s...
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La garantie est limitée à la shipment to you will be paid by MIRAGE ® Speaker Systems, provided the repairs réparation ou au remplacement des appareils fabriqués et distribués par MIRAGE ® concerned fall within the Limited Warranty. The MIRAGE ®...