Please stand while attaching the brace. Make
sure that the correct side is up. You can reco-
gnize it by the bars that represent the size, as
they must point upwards. The ends of the bra-
ce, moreover, point upwards in a light curve.
Hold the brace behind your back so that the
stabilizing stripes point to the body. Hold the
ends of the brace tight so that right and left
have the same length. In order to do so you
may let your fingers through the loops (fig. 3).
After this, bring your hands in the height of
the lower back to the front to fasten it (fig. 4)
with the Velcro strip. Pull on the brace until it
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fits properly (fig. 5). The brace shall feel tight
without sliding out of place or compromising
your back or breathing (fig. 6). The lower back
shall be well-supported.
The same is true for the application of a so
called pelotte (fig. 1). Please position the pe-
lotte with the Velcro stripes onto the regar-
ding areas in the centre of the bandage (fig. 2).
The pelotte (closed V shape) points downwards
with the slim side, the broad side is above. The
pelotte suits correctly when positioned in a
central way on the spine.