· WARNING: Before using the safety car seat Safe2go
read this instructions carefully and keep them for
future reference.
· WARNING: The Safe2go car seat has been approved in
compliance with the European standard ECE 44/03
for Group 0+ for children weighing up to 13 kg.
· WARNING: The safety of the Safe2go car seat is
guaranteed only if it is fitted as per the above
· WARNING: Take extra care when securing the seat
in the car because proper installation can save
your child`s life in the event of an accident (always
follow the manufacturer`s instructions).
· WARNING: Always use the child`s seat belt.
· WARNING: The seat belts should never be twisted
when in use.
· WARNING: Do not leave any loose objects on the
back shelf of your car, as they could be dangerous
for your child if you brake suddenly.
· WARNING: Do not make any changes to the safety
seat`s structure, as they would make the safety car
seat unsafe and decline the manufacturer from any
· WARNING: Never leave your child unattended.
· WARNING: Ensure that all passengers know how to
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
release the baby from the safety seat in the event of
an accident or in case of danger.
· WARNING: If the safety car seat is involved in an
accident, it must be replaced.
· WARNING: We guarantee the safety of the mecha-
nism for use by the first purchaser. We also advise
you never to use second-hand safety equipment.
· WARNING: Ensure that the safety car seat and the
belts aren`t crushed or trapped by reclining seats
or car doors.
· WARNING: T he s afety c ar s eat m ust a lways b e f ixed t o t he
car`s s eat e ven w hen y ou a re n ot t ransporting t he b aby!
· WARNING: I f t he p assenger s eat i s f itted w ith a ir b ag, i t
is compulsory to f it the s afety car s eat on the rear seat.
· WARNING: The safety car seat must always be posi-
tioned in a rear facing mode.
Tips for use
· This safety car seat belongs to the "universal" cate-
gory and is approved in compliance with the stan-
dard N˚ 44.03 for a general use in vehicles and can
fit almost, but not all, car seats.
· A proper fitting is possible, if in the vehicle hand
book the constructor declares that a "universal"
safety car seat for group 0+ can be fitted in the