5. System alerts
Different scenarios have been specified in the system to alert end-users and then organize corrective actions. Thresholds
defined by the user are useful to warn once one of the threshold reached:
→ a pop up message automatically appears on screen,
→ a sound alarm rings out (differently depending on the settings, see n° 4 section)
For each alarm, these data are available : the type of alarm (low voltage, state of charge, state of health and temperature)
and the concerned battery park. If several alarms ring out, all at once simultaneously or consecutively, the number
appears under the chart :
A quick touch on the screen will make you quit the alarm display mode.
Caution : concealing the alert does not solve the problem. The alert stays on until the minimal threshold gets reached.
Once it is reached the alarm is recorded (the display blinks as it is recorded).
In order not to severely damage the battery / battery park as well as the whole electrical installation, it is necessary to
intervene physically when loading the battery and /or unplugging devices using the battery's current.
Low voltage
The voltage of the bow thruster battery gets under the
recorded threshod (indicated value).
What to do ? : load the battery
State of charge
The state of charge of the bow thruster battery gets under the
recorded threshold (indicated value).
What to do ? : load the battery
State of health (ageing of the batteries)
The state of health of the port side engine battery gets under
the recorded threshold (indicated value).
What to do ? / Solution : call your dealer in order to check the
state of the park and replace eventually the battery or the
battery park.
The temperature of the service battery gets under the recorded
threshold (indicated value).
What to do ? : call your dealer in order to check the state of the
park and installation.