Sommaire des Matières pour Dorel Home Products 4234119WE
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Visit or call Toll-Free 1-800-267-1739 Date of Purchase Lot Number THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. J.Z. - 2018/10/16 B344234119WE00 2014 Dorel Home Products All Rights Reserved...
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All manuals and user guides at Warranty Information Read Before Beginning Assembly DHP warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship and Call our toll free number if you need assistance. agrees to remedy any such defect. This warranty covers one year from the date of Work in a spacious area and near where the unit will be used, preferably on a original purchase.
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All manuals and user guides at Parts Replacement Parts, visit All in 1 big box! There are inner box(es) that include components required to complete this assembly. Before you throw the package, please use the Post Post Post Rear Guard Rail Front Guard Rail Check Box to identify the parts and ensure that...
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All manuals and user guides at Hardware Pack Hardware Pack #: T4234419WE-00 Metal Washer 5/16" 1/4" X 5/8" 1/4" X 3/4" X 24 5/16" X 7/8" 1/4" X 1 5/8" Spring Washer 5/16" Please do not completely tighten all the hardware, until the entire assembly is complete, unless otherwise indicated in the step-by-step instructions.
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All manuals and user guides at Step 1 Attach I/T to A/B with Warning label must be oriented on the same side as the side rail holes...
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All manuals and user guides at Step 2 Attach I1/T to A/D with Warning label must be oriented on the same side as the side rail holes...
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All manuals and user guides at Step 3 Attach E/F to B/A and A/D with...
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All manuals and user guides at Step 4 Wide side of the slot should be facing up ! Attach J X 2 to A/B and A/D with...
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All manuals and user guides at Step 5 5.1 Insert O into E/F and J X 2 as illustrated. 5.2 Lock O into place with Y.
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All manuals and user guides at Step 6 6.1 Press W onto O as illustrated. 6.2 Press Q onto W alternating left and right as illustrated.
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All manuals and user guides at Step 7 Attach Z to F with...
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All manuals and user guides at Step 8 Attach S to D and Z with...
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All manuals and user guides at Helpful Hints Weight Limit: 200 Lb / 91 Kg for upper bed 250 Lb / 113 Kg for lower bed Move your new furniture carefully, with two people lifting and carrying the unit to its new location.
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All manuals and user guides at WARNINGS for Bunk Bed Follow the information on the warnings appearing on the upper bunk end structure and on the carton. Do not remove warning label from bed. Always use the recommended size mattresses or mattress supports, or both, to help prevent the likelihood of entrapment or falls. Use only a twin mattress which is 74"...
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All manuals and user guides at 4234119WE NO LO REGRESE A LA TIENDA ! Si le faltan piezas o las que se incluyen est n da adas, con Metal Bunk Bed mucho gusto le enviaremos sus piezas de reemplazo sin cargo extra.
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All manuals and user guides at Partes Instrucciones Paso 1 Piezas de reemplazo, visite Una I/T con A/B con Paso 2 Todo se incluye en 1 caja grande! Una I1/T con A/D con Hay 1 caja(s) interna(s) que incluyen los componentes necesarios para Paso 3 completar este ensamblaje.
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All manuals and user guides at Consejos tiles L mites de peso: 200 lb / 91 kg cama superior 250 lb / 113 kg cama inferior Mueva sus muebles nuevos con cuidado, con dos personas levantando y llevando el aparato a su nueva ubicaciyn. Sus muebles DHP se pueden desmontar y volver a ensamblar en caso de Precauc on mudanza.
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All manuals and user guides at 4234119WE NE RETOURNEZ PAS AU MAGASIN ! Si une pi ce est manquante ou endommag e, nous vous Metal Bunk Bed exp dierons avec plaisir vos pi ces de remplacement gratuitement. Lit une place/Lit une place Visitez
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All manuals and user guides at Instructions Pi ces Pi ces de rechange, visitez www.dhpfurniture/fre/replacement-parts tape 1 Attacher I/T A/B avec Tout dans 1 grosse bo te! tape 2 Attacher I1/T A/D avec Il y a des bo tes int rieures qui contiennent les composants pour completer tape 3 l'assemblage.
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All manuals and user guides at Limite de Poids: 200 lb / 91 kg lit sup rieur L'utilisation de matelas d'eau ou de matelas flottant est strictement interdite. 250 lb / 113 kg lit inf rieur Ne pas utiliser rehausser de lit sous ce produit. Risque d' tranglement - jamais installer ou acrocher des articles n'import quelle partie du lit superpos qui ne sont pas con us pour une utilisation avec...