Fig. 9
4. Once one side is full allow it to decompose and start
adding new raw material into the other side to create a
second batch. Alternatively, one may choose to use the
two chambers to produce two different types of compost
(e.g. grass clippings & food waste).
5. Depending on the materials added and the ambient
temperature, your compost should be ready anywhere
from 2 – 10 weeks. Follow the table below for an
approximate guide.
Ambient Temperature
75 ̊ F (25 ̊ C )
85 ̊ F (30 ̊ C )
95 ̊ F (35 ̊ C )
NOTE: However, the only sure fire way to check if your
compost is ready is if it looks, feels and smells like rich,
dark earth rather than rotting vegetables. In other words, it
should be dark brown, crumbly and smell like earth.
6. To empty your composter, place a small tarp or plastic
sheet on the ground. Rotate the composter so that the
doors face down. Then slide the door open to allow the
compost to fall out before sliding the tarp out (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10
All manuals and user guides at
Composting Tips
• Maintain a 2:1 greens (Nitrates) to browns (Carbon) ratio.
• Smaller shredded materials decompose faster. Run your
Checking Your Progress
1. After 2 – 3 days, check if the compost is getting warm
2. Squeeze a handful of compost to check if it is sufficently
Using Your Compost
• Finished compost will contain fine and coarse material. For
• You can also reserve some of your finished compost as a
Time (Days)
~ 55
~ 40
If your Sun Joe
~ 35
service or maintenance, please call 1-866-SNOWJOE
(1-866-766-9563) for assistance.
Model and Serial Numbers
When contacting the company, reordering parts, or arranging
service from an authorized dealer, you will need to provide
the model and serial numbers, which can be found on the
decal located on the unit. Copy these numbers into the space
provided below.
lawn mower over pine needles or leaves and cut up kitchen
scraps to speed up the composting process.
to the touch. If so, it means the beneficial organisms are
multiplying and decomposing the materials. Tumbling
the composter 5 – 10 times every 2 – 3 days will mix the
materials inside and keep the process active and uniform
throughout the composter.
moist. Your compost should feel like a damp sponge. If it
feels dry, add a little water and tumble to mix well. Avoid
adding too much water.
a fine blend, sift the compost for use in flower pots. Use the
coarser compost as top-dressing for outdoor garden beds
or till directly into your garden.
starter for your next batch, or to reactive a batch that died
down too quickly.
SJ-CMPS1 tumbling composter requires
Record the following numbers from your new product:
Model #:
C M P S 1
Serial #: