To operate a good installation of the gear motor
ULTRA follow these instructions:
Locate inside the property the correct point to
install ULTRA, usually near to the support column
of the gate.
Build up a concrete emplacement with sizes like
2, foreseeing the passing of the protective
coverings "G" for the passing of the power supply
and control system cables.
After that the concrete will be perfectly solidified
install here the gear motor ULTRA and pass the
protective covering through the whole situated in
the support plate of the operator. Establish a
distance between the operator's pinion "P" and the
gate suitable to the type of rack "C" you want to
install. The tooth of the pinion must mesh with the
teeth of the rack for all its width
Fix the operator on the ground by screws. Carry out
an emergency or manual manoeuvre (see the par.
"Emergency or manual manoeuvre") and put the
gate in the maximum opening position. Lean one
end of the rack "C" on the pinion "P", make sure
that it's horizontal and fix it by welding or by the
suitable screws "Vc"
slide the gate, checking that between the rack and
the pinion there is constantly 2 mm
If the gate is crooked put between the gate and the
rack some thickness to assure the constant
centring between the rack and the pinion.
When everything has been done with a manual
manoeuvre open and closes the gate to verify the
correct alignment (there have not been friction).
The duration of the rack and the pinion depend on
the right mesh engagement.
In view of the considerable weight of the gates we
recommend to use iron racks or steel racks with an
adequate thickness.
The gates must have mechanical stops "Fa"
in opening and closing to avoid its derailment.
The mechanical stops "Fa" must ensure an antic
rushing space between the mobile and fix part of
the gate,
In conformity with the regulations in force.
Put the gate in opening position and, according to the
gate weight, leave a space of 40-50 mm between the
gate and the mechanical stop "Fa"
Fix on the rack the limit switch support "S" by grubs
5) in order to push the limit switch
Repeat the same operation on the other side, for
the closing limit switch support.
Make the circuitry like in the control panel manual
and install the obligatory safety devices.
Teach the people intended for the use of the
automation about the controls, safety devices,
emergency manoeuvre and dangerousness
deriving from the utilize of the automation.
All manuals and user guides at
3), fixing the rack make
Compile the technical booklet and fulfil the
eventual obligations deriving from the regulations
in force.
We garantize the correct functioning of ULTRA
versions only and exclusively if provided by
DASPI and only if combined with the original
control panel.
You have to do the emergency or manual
manoeuvre or during the installation, or only if the
automation does not work properly or if there is not
power supply.
Open the anterior door and insert on the release
screw "T" the supplied key "CH" or a tubular
spanner meas. 22 mm
Turn the key "CH" anticlockwise to free the gear
and open the gate manually.
In order to re-establish the normal functioning of
the automation, you have to turn the key "CH"
clockwise making sure that the screw "T" is
sufficiently fixed to warranty the automatic
movement but not too much to exclude the
mechanical clutch.
Close the door and place its key and the key "CH"
in a safety place known exclusively from the people
intended for the use of the automation.
Switch on the power supply, pay attention that
there's nobody where the gate is moving.
The adjustment of maximum operator pushing
force must be checked periodically (aprox. 3
month) to warranty the safety in using of
automation, and must be conformed to the
regulation in force, carry out the measurement of
the push on the mobile part of the gate.
Open the operator door and by supplied screw
"CH" turn clockwise the screw "T" to increase the
pushing force or anticlockwise to decrease it or
release completely the operator.