Clearance to Combustibles
The Imperial requires a clearance to combustible walls of 24"
measured from the back of the unit. For locating the center of
the chimney the measurement is 45" from the backwall and 45"
to the sidewall. See fi gure 1, page 2. For corner installation the
center of the chimney is 45". See fi gure 2, page 2.
Clearance to Non-combustibles
The Imperial clearance to a combustible wall may be reduced
with proper wall protection. Accepted methods for wall protection
would allow reduction of the wall clearances. For appearance
if desired a non-combustible wall covering can placed on the
wall. The covering should consist of a listed wall protection
board installed to the manufacturer's specifi cations. Approved
protection boards at the time of this publication are Wonder-
board, Dura Rock and Homosote. A non-combustible material
can then be placed over the wall protection board. With most
of the protection boards the clearance can be reducedby 2/3
from the original combustible wall. Be certain to check with
your local building offi cials and or fi re inspector for accepted
methods in your area.
Unit to Sidewall ------------------------------------------24"
Unit to Backwall -----------------------------------------24"
Connector to Sidewall ---------------------------------41"
Center of Connector to Sidewall --------------------45"
Connector to Backwall ---------------------------------41"
Center of connector to Backwall --------------------45"
Figure 1.
Hearth dimensions shown are minimum requirements. It may be desired to exceede these minimum dimensions
for a more decorative installation.
All manuals and user guides at
Imperial Carousel - Page 3
Chimney System
Connector Pipe
Unit to Adjacent Walll ----------------------------------24"
Connector to Adjacent Wall --------------------------41"
Center of Connector to Adjacent Wall -------------45"
Minimum Hearth Size -------------------------- 48" x 54"
Or a Diameter of ----------------------------------------54"
Figure 2.