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weight, and power tool. Handle the tool correctly. Maintain readiness to stand up to normal or unexpected movement and al-
ways at keep ready both hands. Maintain the balance to ensure the safety of the feet. You release the pressure on the starting
device and in the case of interruption in energy supply. Only use lubrication agents, which are recommended by the manu-
facturer. Wear safety glasses, it recommended to use tight gloves and protective clothing. Check the polishing wheel before
each use.Do not use cracked or broken discs or discs that have been dropped. Avoid direct contact with moving the polish-
ing wheel to prevent pinching or cutting hands or other body parts. Use tight gloves to protect your hands. Never operate the
tool if abrasive agent has not been applied on the processed material. When working on plastic or non-conductive compo-
nents, there is a risk of electrostatic discharge. Polishing or grinding may cause dust and fumes that can create an explo-
sive atmosphere. Always use the system to absorb or to discharge the dust which is appropriate to the processed material.
Avoid direct contact with the implanted tool during and after work, it can be hot. You should use protective glasses, it is recom-
mended to use tight gloves and protective gear.
The risks associated with repetitive movements
During the use of pneumatic tool for work based on repetition of movements the operator is exposed to experience discomfort of
hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of the body. In the case of use of pneumatic tool the operator should adopt a com-
fortable posture which is ensuring the competent foot position and avoid strange or unbalanced postures. The operator should
change the posture during long work, this will help to prevent discomfort and fatigue. If the operator is experiencing symptoms
such as: persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, pulsating pain, tingling, numbness, burning, or stiff ness, he/she should not ignore
them, and inform about them the employer and consult a doctor.
The risks associated with accessories
Disconnect the tool from power source before changing implanted tool or accessory. Avoid direct contact with the inserted tool during
and after work because it may be hot or sharp. Use accessories and consumables only in sizes and types, which are recommend-
ed by the manufacturer. Do not use accessories of any other type, or other size. Do not use grinding wheels for grinding or cutting.
Check that the maximum speed of the inserted tool (fl ap discs, abrasive belts, fi ber discs, polishing wheels) is greater than the
rated speed grinding or polishing machine. Self-mounted polishing discs should be mounted concentrically on the polishing wheel.
Hazards of the workplace
Slips, trips and falls are the main causes of injuries. Beware of slippery surfaces caused by use of tool and risks caused by air
installation. Proceed carefully in an unknown environment. There may be hidden dangers, such as electricity or other utility lines.
Pneumatic tool is not intended for use in the areas endangered by explosion and it is not insulated from contact with the electricity.
Make sure that there are no electrical cables, gas pipes, etc. which may cause hazard in case of using the tool.
The risks associated with fumes and dust
Dust and fumes generated by using pneumatic tool may cause bad health (for example, cancer, birth defects, asthma and / or der-
matitis), there are necessary: risk assessment and implementation of appropriate control measures in relation to these risks. The
risk assessment should include the impact of dust created by using the tool and the possibility of excitation of existing dust. The air
outlet must be directed to minimize excitation of dust in dusty environment. Where there are the dusts or fumes, the priority should
be to control their emission sources. All the integrated functions and equipment for collection, extraction or reduce dust or smoke
should be properly operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Use the respiratory protection
in accordance with the instructions of the employer and in accordance with the requirements of hygiene and safety. Operation and
maintenance should be carried out according to pneumatic tool instructions, in order to minimize the emissions of fumes and dust.
You should select, maintain and exchange implanted tools by instruction guidelines in order to prevent increase of fumes and dust.
Noise hazard
Exposure to high levels of noise can result in permanent and irreversible hearing loss and other problems, such as tinnitus (ring-
ing, buzzing, whistling or humming in ears). It is necessary to perform a risk assessment and implementation of appropriate control
measures for these risks. Appropriate control actions in order to reduce the risk may include activities such as: the damping mate-
rial to prevent „ringing "of the workpiece, use of hearing protection equipment in accordance with the instructions of the employer
and in accordance with the requirements of hygiene and safety. Operation and maintenance of pneumatic tool should be carried
out according to the instructions. This will allow to avoid an unnecessary increase of noise level. If the tool has pneumatic silencer,
always be sure, that it is correctly installed during use of the tool. Select, maintain and replace worn tool which are implanted
according to the instructions, this will allow to avoid unnecessary increase in noise.
Vibration risks
exposure to vibration may cause permanent nerve damage and blood supply to hands and arms. Keep hands away from screw-
drivers sockets. You should wear warm clothes during work at low temperatures and keep your hands warm and dry. If you expe-
rience numbness, tingling, pain, or skin whitening in the fi ngers and hands, you should stop the use of pneumatic tool and then
inform the employer and consult a doctor. Service and maintain the pneumatic tool according to instructions will allow to avoid
unnecessary increase in the level of vibration. Keep the tool lightly, but securely, taking into account the required reaction forces,
because the threat from vibration is generally larger, when the grip force is stronger.