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Outdoor Essentials GLENDALE 128004 Instructions D'assemblage

Panneau de cloture a piquets espaces


Liens rapides

4x8 Spaced 3 in. Pointed Picket
(2) Rails
4x8 Spaced 3" Picket Panel
Actual size: 46"h x 91.875"w
Actual Size: 46 in. H x 91.875 in. W
4x8 Spaced Pickets 3.eps
Kit contents
• 2 - Vinyl rails
Items recommended
• Soapy water
• Wooden wedge
Assembling the panel
• Take one of the rails and gently open the throat with your hand
or a wooden wedge (fig. 1). This will become the bottom rail of
the assembly.
• Insert a picket into the throat of the rail, and proceed through
the routered hole as shown. DO NOT SNAP INTO PLACE (fig. 2).
• Continue to push the picket through the bottom rail into the
throat and hole of the second rail (fig. 3). The second rail
becomes the top rail of the assembly. Stop when the tab in
the bottom rail and the notch on the picket align. DO NOT
• Continue this process until all pickets are inserted into the
rail with the tabs and notches aligned (fig. 4).
• Once all the pickets are in place, snap the rails into all the
picket notches using your hands or gently tap with a rubber
mallet (fig. 5).
• The panel assembly is now complete.
©2022 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Outdoor Essentials is a registered trademark of UFP Industries, Inc.
PicketLock is a trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. | 2801 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 | (844) 529-5882
(13) Pickets
• 13 - Vinyl pickets
• Non-marring rubber mallet
• Drill with square bit
4x8 Spaced 3 in. Dog Ear Picket
(2) Rails
4x8 Spaced 3" Dogear Picket Panel
Actual size: 45"h x 91.875"w
Actual Size: 45 in. H x 91.875 in. W
4x8 Spaced Pickets 3.eps
Note: PicketLock
is a patented technology that provides a
glue- and fastener-free connection between the pickets
and rails. You may spray soapy water onto components to
help them slide more easily into their corresponding channels.
A non-marring rubber mallet may also be used to gently tap
components more firmly into place.
fig. 1
fig. 3
(13) Pickets
fig. 2
fig. 4
fig. 5
PG. 1



Sommaire des Matières pour Outdoor Essentials GLENDALE 128004

  • Page 1 5 ©2022 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Outdoor Essentials is a registered trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. PicketLock is a trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. | 2801 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 | (844) 529-5882 OutdoorEssentialProducts.com...
  • Page 2 3 Fig.5.pdf ©2022 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Outdoor Essentials is a registered trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. ©2020 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. PicketLock is a trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. PicketLock is a trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. | 2801 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 | (844) 529-5882 68956 U.S.
  • Page 3 PROVIDE ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ©2022 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Outdoor Essentials is a registered trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. PicketLock is a trademark of UFP Industries, Inc. | 2801 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 | (844) 529-5882 OutdoorEssentialProducts.com...
  • Page 4 • L'assemblage du panneau est maintenant terminé. fig. 5 ©2022 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. Tous droits réservés. Outdoor Essentials est une marque déposée de UFP Industries, Inc. PicketLock est une marque de commerce de UFP Industries, Inc. | 2801 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 OutdoorEssentialProducts.com...
  • Page 5 GLENDALE PANNEAU DE CLÔTURE À PIQUETS ESPACÉS 4X8 INSTRUCTIONS D'INSTALLATION Préparation Step 3 Articles nécessaires • Gravier • Poteaux de clôture 4x4* • Perceuse Consultez vos ordonnances et réglementations locales avant de • Tournevis • Cales • 4 supports PicketLock bâtir votre clôture.
  • Page 6 SÉCURITÉ APPROPRIÉ. SAUF INDICATION DANS LA GARANTIE LIMITÉE ÉCRITE, LE GARANT NE FOURNIT AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE, FORMELLE OU TACITE, ET NE SERA PAS TENU RESPONSABLE DE TOUS DOMMAGES, INCLUANT LES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS. ©2022 UFP Retail Solutions, LLC. Tous droits réservés. Outdoor Essentials est une marque déposée de UFP Industries, Inc. PicketLock est une marque de commerce de UFP Industries, Inc. | 2801 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 OutdoorEssentialProducts.com...