Commercial Warranty and Service
Limited Warranty Coverage
Oregon offers the original purchaser as the
end-user a two (2) year limited warranty, and
a ninety (90) day limited warranty on products
purchased for rent to other end-users Visit
www oregonproducts com for complete
Oregon® 120V Professional Series™ product
warranty and service information
The Oregon 120V Professional Series limited
warranty covers the following products:
BL120V-NA Backpack Blower, ST120V-NA
String Trimmer, HT120V-NA Hedge Trimmer,
EG120V-NA Edger, BX975-UV Battery, BX650-
UV Battery, C1600-NA Charger, CD01120VX-
NA Battery-to-Tool Cable, BPBXOR01-UV
Backpack and, BPBXSY01-UV Backpack
Purchaser is responsible for maintaining
original proof of purchase
Servicing Equipment
Oregon 120V Professional Series tools
and equipment (tools, batteries, chargers,
backpacks, accessories and components) are
designed to be serviceable by a qualified repair
person using only original Oregon replacement
parts Only use Oregon Authorized Service
Centers Visit www OregonProducts com for
a list of Authorized Oregon 120V Professional
Series Service Center locations, access product
manuals, review authorized replacement and
service parts and view how-to videos
All manuals and user guides at
Commercial Warranty and Service
Contact Us
You can call Oregon's customer service
department at 1-800-223-5168, ext 1 We're
here to take your calls between 6:30 a m and
4:00 p m (Pacific Time) Monday through Friday
You can also email us at TechnicalServices@
oregonproducts com for warranty and service
information You can find an authorized service
center listed at www oregonproducts com
Attn: Oregon Technical Services
RE: OPE – 120V Series
4909 SE International Way
Portland OR 97222 USA
Backpack Blower Model BL120VX-NA