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Narwal FREO YJCC012 Mode D'emploi page 16


3. To prevent personal injury, when the product is running,
do not put hair, fingers, etc. near the mop, side brush, Lidar
sensor, vacuum inlet or cleaning fins. / Halten Sie keine Haare,
Finger usw. in die Nähe des Mopps, der Seitenbürste, des
LIDAR, des Sauganschlusses oder der Reinigungsrippe des
Roboters, wenn das Produkt in Betrieb ist, um Verletzungen
zu vermeiden./Per evitare lesioni non avvicinare capelli, dita,
ecc. al mocio, alla spazzola laterale, al radar, alla bocca di
aspirazione o alla barra di pulizia del robot quando il prodotto
è in funzione./No acerque el cabello,dedos, etc. cerca de la
fregona del robot,cepillo lateral,radar láser,puerto de vacío
o costillas de limpieza cuando el producto esté funcionando
para evitar lesiones./N'approchez pas les cheveux ou les
doigts de la serpillière du robot, des brosses latérales, du
radar laser, de la bouche d'aspiration ou de la nervure de
nettoyage lorsque le produit fonctionne afin d'éviter toute
4. Do not allow the robot to vacuum up hard or sharp
objects./ Lassen Sie den Roboter keine harten oder
scharfen Gegenstände aufheben./Non far aspirare al robot
oggetti duri o taglienti./No permita que el robot recoja
objetos duros o afilados./Ne laissez pas le robot ramasser
des objets durs ou pointus.
5. To prevent damages to the device, do not place the robot
near any heat or water sources (such as radiators or faucets).
/ Stellen Sie den Roboter nicht in die Nähe von Wärme-
oder Wasserquellen (z. B. Heizkörper und Wasserhähne),
um Schäden am Gerät zu vermeiden./Non posizionare il
robot vicino a fonti di calore o di acqua (ad es. termosifoni e
rubinetti) per evitare di danneggiare la macchina./No coloque
al robot cerca de fuentes de calor y agua (como radiadores y
grifos) para evitar dañar la máquina./N'approchez pas le robot
des sources de chaleur et d'eau (radiateurs et robinets, par
exemple) pour éviter d'endommager la machine.
Other Notices/Andere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen/Altre precauzioni/
Otras precauciones/Autres mises en garde
6. To prevent damages to the robot, do not run the robot with the top cover opened.
7. To lift the robot, grasp the left and right sides of the body with both hands and lift it
perpendicularly to the floor.
8. To prevent the robot from falling, do not lift the base station when the robot is inside it.
9. People with physical, mental, or sensory impairments (including children) should use or
operate this product under the supervision or guidance of their guardians.
10. The robot is not a toy. Keep a close eye on children and pets when the product is running,
and keep them away from it as much as possible.
11. Do not place accessories such as the Floor Cleaner and mopping modules in areas
accessible to children.
12. Do not place the product packaging (bags, foam, etc.) of this product in areas accessible to



Produits Connexes pour Narwal FREO YJCC012