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Sourcetronic ST500 Serie Manuel page 9


Manuel abrégé ST500
3 Démarrage rapide
Assurez-vous que toutes les bornes ont été solidement connectées.
Assurez-vous que la puissance du moteur correspond à celle du variateur de fréquence.
3.1 Organigramme de mise en service
Enter motor parameters
(b0.00 to b0.05)
Configure acceleration &
braking time (F0.13 & F0.14)
Automatic calibration of
motor parameters (b0.27)
Select control mode of
frequency inverter
F0.00 = ?
Vector control without
pulse generator/position encoder
V/f control
Configure motor parameters
Not strictly necessary due to default V/f settings, but
recommended for the motor protection function
(b0.00 to b0.04)
Select command source for the
frequency inverter (F0.11)
Select frequency control source
(F0.03, F0.04, F0.07)
Select start-up mode (F3.00)
Configure acceleration &
braking time (F0.13 & F0.14)
Select stop mode (F3.07)
Start the motor and observe its
operating behavior. If it behaves
abnormally, please refer to chapter
Working as intended?
Figure 3-1 Organigramme de mise en service
Motor parameters
b0.00: M otor type
0: Allcommon asynch ronous m otors
1: Asynch ronous m otor specifical ly for
f r equen cy inverters
2: Permane ntly excited synch ronous
m otor (see also: b0.27)
b0.01: M otor rated p ower [k W]
b0.02: M otor rated voltage [V]
b0.03: M otor rated cu rrent [A]
b0.04: M otor rated frequen cy [Hz]
b0.05: M otor rated speed [RPM]
b0.28: En coder typ e, if available
Configure motor & encoder
parameters (b0.00 to b0.05, b0.28, etc.)
Vector control with
pulse generator/position encoder
braking time (F0.13 & F0.14)
Command source of frequency inverter
(start, stop, FWD/REV, reset etc.)
0: Control panel 2: Comm. interface
1: Terminals
4: all three sources accepted
Frequency control source:
When configuring, the inverter skips
the value set in the other parameter!
Main freq. F0.03= / Add. freq. F0.04=
0/1: Control panel with/without saving
2: AI1
4: Control panel rotary encoder
5: High frequency pulse DI5 (F1.04=30)
6: Multi-speed operation
7: Simple PLC program
8: PID controller 9: Comm. interface
Switching main / add. frequency:
F0.07=02 Switch via DI, funktion 18;
e.g. DI3: F1.02=18; DI3 open: F0.03,
DI3 closed: F0.04
Start-up mode
0: Direct start-up
Starts with the set starting frequency,
after DC braking if necessary.
1: Speed equalization
Measures the current speed and uses
this as its starting frequency.
2: Asynch. motor pre-excited start
Stop mode
0: Active stop
Active braking with set braking
ramp time
1: Free stop
Motor output is released, motor
coasts to a stop uninfluenced
Démarrage rapide
Configure acceleration &
Automatic calibration of
motor parameters (b0.27)
3: 0 & 2
3: AI2

