Prima di Iniziare
Si prega di leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni.
Conservare le istruzioni per riferimento futuro.
Separare e contare tutte le parti e gli accessori.
Leggere attentamente ogni passo e seguire l'ordine corretto.
Si consiglia, ove possibile, di assemblare tutti gli articoli vicino alla zona in cui
verranno posti in uso, per evitare di spostare inutilmente il prodotto una volta
Posizionare sempre il prodotto su una superficie piana, stabile.
Tenere tutte le piccole parti e i materiali di imballaggio di questo prodotto lontano
dalla portata di neonati e bambini, in quanto possono costituire un serio pericolo
di soffocamento.
Zanim Zaczniesz
Zapoznaj się z instrukcją.
Zachowaj instrukcję do wglądu.
Posortuj części i upewnij się, że zestaw jest kompletny.
Zapoznaj się ze sposobem montażu i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcją.
Zalecamy, aby montaż odbywał się możliwie najbliżej miejsca docelowego
położenia produktu, aby uniknąć niepotrzebnego przesuwania.
Upewnij się, że produkt znajdzie się na płaskiej i stabilnej po wierzchni.
Upewnij się, że materiały wykorzystane podczas pakowania produktu.
oraz jego elementy znajdują się poza zasięgiem dzieci.
Thank you for choosing this hose reel-you have made a good
choice! In order to enjoy problem-free use of your reel in the long
term we strongly recommend that you carefully read the instruction
manual completely in advance. It contains important information in
the installation, use and maintenance of the device. We wish you a
great deal of problem-free and enjoyable use!
• Do not feed chemicals or solids through the hose and do not allow
the exterior to come into contact with corrosive substances or sharp
objects that could damage it.
• After use, always allow the water to flow out of the hose and roll the
hose onto the reel. Water that is heated by the sun and /or high
water pressure can damage the interior of the hose.
• The hose becomes less flexible at very low temperatures. Ensure
that no water remains in the hose that can freeze. Bring the reel
indoors in cold weather!
• This hose reel is not suitable for the transport of drinking water!
Cleaning and Maintenance
• If the hose is dirty, clean it with a (slightly damp) cloth before you
roll it back onto the reel.
• Ensure that the hose is dry when you roll it in, so that no moisture
can become trapped in the reel!