-The watch should not be exposed to prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures (too cold or too hot) which
can cause permanent damage.
- Why can't I wear a smartwatch to take a hot bath?
With the difference in the temperature of the bath water and the outside air, water vapor can be generated.
This vapor, in gas form, may enter the watch through the gap in the casing of the watch. When the temperature is
lowered, the liquid droplets are re-formed and the circuit inside the watch may be damaged, thus damaging the
circuit board and the correct functioning of the watch.
-The watch wont launch or charge.
If you receive the watch and cannot launch it, there may have been a collision during transport. The battery
precision board is protected so plug in the watch to charge and activate it.
If the battery charge is too low, or if the watch has not been used for a long time, the watch may not start up. In
this case please plug in the data cable and charge it for more than half an hour to activate.
The method of capturing the heart rate through an optical sensor used by this Calypso watch does not reach the
level of precision and accuracy of a professional medical device, nor can it guarantee the equivalent stable
readings. The watch cannot replace a medical device in its function of detecting or diagnosing pathologies, heart
or other diseases.
Consequently, with respect to this function, the device is for recreational use only. Multiple factors (including
level of skin contact, pigmentation, tattoos, sudden arm movements etc) can alter the accuracy of the data
provided by the sensor. Therefore, keep in mind that the actual heart rate may be higher or lower than the
reading indicated by the optical sensor at a given time.
If you suspect any anomaly, always consult your doctor and in case of emergency, immediately contact the
emergency services in your area.
CALYPSO assumes no responsibility for any claim that may arise from the use and / or interpretation that the user
of the device and / or third parties may make of the heart rate information provided by their devices.