Installing the AM6160G5 Indoor amplifier
Method 1
1 Connect your UHF aerial downlead
(tipically via an aerial wall socket) to the
ANT socket on the amplifier.
2 Connect up the two TVs to the TV socket
on the AM6160G5
Method 2
1 Connect your UHF aerial downlead to
the aerial input VCR & DTT receiver.
2 Connect an aerial fly-lead from the aerial
output on the VCR to the aerial input on
the AM6160G5. Use a RF distributor if
needed (fig 2)
3 Connect up two TVs to the TV socket on
the AM6160G5
Method 3
TV/VCR/DTT (digital Terrestrial
1 Connect your UHF aerial downlead to
the aerial input on the DTT receiver to the
aerial input on your VCR.
2 Connect an aerial fly-lead from the aerial
output on your DTT receiver to the aerial
input on your VCR
3 Connect an aerial fly-lead from the aerial
output on your VCR to the ANT input on
the RF Modulator (DigiSender)
4 Connect an aerial fly-lead from the aerial
output of RF Modulator to the antenna
input of AM6160G5 (using a RF distributor
if needed)
5 Connect up two TVs to the TV socket
on the AM6160G5. Once connected you
can tune each television to traditional
terrestrial channels, a channel VCR
viewing and a channel for DTT viewing
Note: Only one DTT channel can be
viewed at any one time without the use of
additional DTT/SAT receivers.
Some DTT/SAT receivers do not have a
RF output channel. Then use the external
modulator (MV7125/26)
If you are receiving poor DTT reception
then connect the AM6160G5 before
your DTT receiver to help boost the
signal strenght. In most cases, poor DTT
reception can only be cured by acquiring
a suitable aerial (see troubleshooting) or
waiting until DTT coverage improves in
your area.