To avoid any contamination risk generated by an improper storage of fresh products, we recommand
that you read the following basic precautions.
Positioning of the Temperature Controller
Put the thermometer in the cooler compartment of your device. The diagram below will allow you to
position it correctly.
The compartment is shown in color. Place the thermometer in the position indicated by the arrow.
Adjustment Mode
The cooler compartment must be maintained at a maximum temperature of 4 ˚C. The thermometer
will allow you to adjust and regularly monitor this temperature.
The instructions below will allow you to adjust the temperature of the cooler compartment of your
appliance. Temperature adjustment of yourdevice must be adjusted <Refrigerator charged>.
− Position the temperature indicator as shown in the diagram above.
− Wait until the food temperature becomes homogeneous (12 hours).
We recommend that you set the thermostat early in the morning because your refrigerator has not
been charged or opened during the night.
− Adjust the thermostat of the refrigerator so that the OK information appears in the thermometer
− Repeat the process several times until reaching the ideal storage temperature of the fragile food
(< 4 ° C).
• The thermometer has a certain inertia so the opening of the refrigerator's door causes considerable
temperature variations, therefore we ask you to adjust the thermostat setting within a few hours
between two adjustments (during this period of time the doors of the refrigerator will remain