State of the art, slim, sleek, discreet and
State of the art, slim, sleek, discreet and
After detaching the tow ball, the system is
After detaching the tow ball, the system is
completely invisible.
Recommended for those who value
those who value
aesthetics, as the design of your vehicle
aesthetics, as the design of your vehicle
remains intact.
Quick Release
Quick Release
Our QR detachable tow bar system is
Our QR detachable tow bar
currently the most popular in the market.
currently the most popular in the market.
The beauty of this type of bar is that the
The beauty of this type of bar is that the
neck simply un-clips (Quick Release)
clips (Quick Release)
when not in use it, leaving little or nothing
leaving little or nothing
of the tow bar to see.
of the tow bar to see.
Slim, sleek and sophisticated, our fixed
Slim, sleek and sophisticated,
tow bar combines quality with excellent
bar combines quality with excellent
value for money.
value for money.
Our fixed tow bar is permanently attached,
Our fixed tow bar is permanently attached,
recommended for those who frequently
recommended for those who frequently
tow. .