16. Select a Digitization Mode.
For Multiplexed mode, select an index number from the Multichassis Daisy-Chain Index
drop-down listbox.
For Parallel mode, select a range of channels from the Digitizer Channel drop-down listbox.
If the cabled device only has one connector, the range of channels is selected automatically.
Some M Series devices have two connectors. You must select the range of channels that
corresponds to the connector cabled to the module. Channels 0–7 correspond to connector 0.
Channels 16–23 correspond to connector 1.
If you remove a chassis from a daisy chain, reassign the index values for modules in other
chassis. Reassigning values maintains consistency and prevents addressing removed chassis.
17. Click OK to accept the settings, close the Details window, and return to the SCXI Chassis
Configuration window.
18. If you installed more than one module, repeat the configuration process from step 6 by selecting
the appropriate SCXI module from the next Module Array listbox.
19. If you need to change any chassis settings, click the Chassis tab.
20. Click OK to accept and save the settings for this chassis.
A message at the top of the SCXI Chassis Configuration window displays the status of the
configuration. You cannot save the chassis configuration if an error appears until you finish
entering module information. If a warning appears, you can save the configuration, but NI
recommends that you correct the source of the warning first.
21. For IEEE 1451.4 transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) sensors and accessories, configure the
device and add the accessory as described in these steps. To configure TEDS sensors cabled
directly to a device, in MAX, right-click the module under Devices and Interfaces and select
Configure TEDS. Click Scan for HW TEDS in the configuration window.
Add Modules to an Existing System
Complete the following steps:
Expand Devices and Interfaces. If you are using a remote RT target, expand Remote Systems,
find and expand your target, and right-click Devices and Interfaces.
Click the chassis to display a list of slots.
Right-click an empty slot and select Insert. The SCXI Chassis Configuration window opens.
Click Auto-Detect All Modules and Yes.
SCXI Quick Start Guide