8.
Q꞉
What
do
do
if
Bluetooth
can
not
close
or
open?
A꞉
Please
reset
Bluetooth
function
of
headphone
by
inserting
an
audio
cable
into
headphone
audio
port,then
removing
it.Before
re-connecting,kindly
remember
to
delete/ignore
headphone
Bluetooth
pairing
name
"Srhythm
NC95"
on
your
mobile
phone.
9.
Q꞉
Why
does
Bluetooth
turn
off
when
connect
an
audio
cable?
A꞉
This
is
one
of
our
special
features.
When
users
insert
an
audio
cable
into
headphone
audio
port,
all
Bluetooth
feature
buttons
stop
working
and
Bluetooth
turns
off.
But,Bluetooth
will
be
available
again
when
audio
cable
is
moved.
10.
Q꞉
Why
does
audio
quality
become
poor
on
Windows
A꞉
Some
customers
have
mentioned
poor
audio
quality
on
Windows
PC.Please
note
that
there
are
"Headset"
and
"Headphone"
modes
you
can
toggle
by
changing
your
output
device.Selecting
"Headphone
Mode"
will
drastically
improve
the
audio
quality."Headset
Mode"
is
designed
for
highly
compressed
calls,etc.That's
not
the
fault
of
headphone
product,that's
just
the
limitation
of
that
protocol.If
you
are
in
"Headphone
Mode",the
audio
quality
is
fantastic.
Caution꞉
Any
Changes
or
modifications
not
expressly
approved
by
the
party
responsible
for
compliance
could
void
the
user's
authority
to
operate
the
equipment.
This
device
complies
with
part
of
the
Rules.
Operation
is
subject
to
the
following
two
conditions꞉
(1)
This
device
may
not
cause
harmful
interference,
and
(2)
this
device
must
accept
any
interference
received,
including
interference
that
may
cause
undesired
operation.
This
equipment
has
been
tested
and
found
to
comply
with
the
limits
for
a
Class
digital
device,
pursuant
to
part
of
the
Rules.
These
limits
are
designed
to
provide
reasonable
protection
against
harmful
interference
in
a
residential
installation.
This
equipment
generates,
uses
and
can
radiate
radio
frequency
energy
and,
if
not
installed
and
used
in
accordance
with
the
instructions,
may
cause
harmful
interference
to
radio
communications.
However,
there
is
no
guarantee
that
interference
will
not
occur
in
a
particular
installation.
If
this
equipment
does
cause
harmful
interference
to
radio
or
television
reception,
which
can
be
determined
by
turning
the
equipment
off
and
on,
the
user
is
encouraged
to
try
to
correct
the
interference
by
one
or
more
of
the
following
measures꞉
—Reorient
or
relocate
the
receiving
antenna.
—Increase
the
separation
between
the
equipment
and
receiver.
—Connect
the
equipment
into
an
outlet
on
a
circuit
different
from
that
to
which
the
receiver
is
connected.
—Consult
the
dealer
or
an
experienced
radio/TV
technician
for
help.