1. Design the installation.
2. Use the Ubbink configuration tool to calculate the
ventilation capacities and system pressure loss and
determine the optimal location for the distribution
boxes to minimize system pressure loss.
3. Cut the semi-rigid ducts to the required length
and lay them out according to the design. Allow
100–150 mm extra length to ensure ease of assembly.
Use vertical and horizontal bends if required.
4. Mark the semi-rigid ducts to indicate whether the
ducts are used for either air supply or air extract.
5. Cut the valve adaptors to the required height and
install them.
6. Use the mounting clips to fix the semi-rigid duct
where necessary.
7. Use the red seal ring for each connection.
8. Use the configuration tool to determine how many
rings to cut out of each flow restrictor and install
the flow restrictors between the semi-rigid duct and
distribution box.
9. Measure the air flows after installation. | 3