Enhanced Voicemail
Send to Voicemail
When an incoming call comes in, press the Options softkey and then select Send to VM to
send the call directly to voicemail . You can also send an active call to voicemail .
Do Not Disturb
You can engage Do Not Disturb and send all calls straight to voicemail . Toggle Do Not
Disturb on and off by selecting the Do Not Disturb option from the Services menu .
Voicemail Monitoring
When an incoming call goes to voicemail, you'll be able to hear the caller leaving their
message through the handset speaker .
if you want to pick up the call, or press
Enhanced Calling
Instant Second Line™
If someone else is already on a call, pick up any Ooma handset and press
Ooma dialtone to make a second call . You'll see the line
on the second line .
to shut off the speaker .
to get a fresh
indicator light up when you're
Enhanced Call Waiting
If someone is already on the line and you receive a second incoming call, any Ooma
handsets not in use will ring . Press
to answer the call .
Three-way Conferencing
With calls on both lines, press the Options softkey and then select the 3-way conference
option to merge both lines together . To split the conference into individual calls, press the
Options softkey and then select the Stop conference option .
Virtual Numbers
Select a second phone number for your in-laws, home business, or to make it easy for
loved ones living in another area code to reach you . To configure this feature,
go to:
Personal Devices
Each Ooma HD3 Handset can be configured as a personal device, allowing you to
set up a separate phone number and voicemail account for a home office or a member
of your household .
Your personal device will have a separate My Ooma account, allowing you to customize
your new phone line exactly the way you want it . To configure this feature,
go to: