Determination of Total suspended solids
Select the method on the device.
For this method, a ZERO measurement does not have to be carried out every time on
the following devices: XD 7000, XD 7500
Homogenize mL of the water sample in a blender on high speed for minutes
10 mL
Fill 24 mm vial with 10 mL
deionised water .
Press the ZERO button.
For devices that require no ZERO measurement , start here.
Mix homogenised water
sample thoroughly.
EN Method Reference Book 1.0
Close vial(s).
Remove the vial from the
sample chamber.
24 mm
Pre-rinse vial with water
Suspended solids 24 / M384
Place sample vial in the
sample chamber. Pay
attention to the positioning.
10 mL
24 mm
Fill 24 mm vial with 10 mL
prepared sample .