Disconnect the pump
Disconnect the pump hose by turning it counterclockwise. There is no
need to touch the valve.
Screw the valve cap in place
Enjoy your cryotherapy
Empty your JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro using the shut-off valve and its
drain pipe
Repair Kit Instruction
In the contents of the JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro, you'll discover a handy repair
kit. Just follow these simple steps to repair any damaged surface:
Locate the hole in your JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro
The first step is to locate the source of the deflation. Apply a small
amount of warm soapy water to the surface of your JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro.
The hole will show bubbles in the soapy water, revealing the source of
the problem.
Clean and dry the area
Clean the area around the hole of your JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro to ensure the
patch or glue adheres optimally. There is no need to clean the entire
JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro - focus only on the area you plan to repair.
Cut and prepare your repair kit
Cut your patch to the ideal size, leaving a few centimeters on each side
of the hole to allow the adhesive to stick well.
Apply the glue and let it dry
Apply glue around the hole on your JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro. You can use
a hair dryer to heat the glue beforehand. Then, apply adhesive to one
side of your patch.
Apply pressure
To ensure your patch adheres properly, apply constant pressure when
attaching it to your JOLT™ Ice Bath Pro. Wait two to three minutes
before removing your hand and releasing the pressure.