Accident prevention
Pay attention to the prevailing accident prevention regulations, even though the breaking
force is well in excess of the full scale value. This applies in particular to transportation
and installation.
Additional safety precautions
The force transducers (as passive transducers) cannot execute (safety) shutdowns. This
requires additional components and design measures, for which the installer and opera
tor of the plant is responsible. Wherever breakage or malfunction of the force transduc
ers may result in injury to persons or damage to property, the user must take appropriate
additional safety precautions that at least meet the requirements of the relevant accident
prevention regulations (e.g. automatic emergency shutdowns, overload protection, safety
straps or chains, or other fall protection devices).
The electronics processing the measurement signal must be designed in such a way that
no consequential damage can occur if the signal fails.
General dangers of failing to follow the safety instructions
Force transducers are state-of-the-art and failsafe. The transducers can be dangerous if
they are mounted, set up or operated improperly, or by untrained personnel. Every person
involved in setting up, starting up, operating or repairing a force transducer must have
read and understood the mounting instructions and in particular the technical safety
Force transducers can be damaged or destroyed if used for purposes other than their
intended use or in the event of non-compliance with the installation and operating man
ual, these safety instructions or other applicable safety regulations (relevant accident
prevention regulations). Force transducers can break, particularly if overloaded. The
breakage of a force transducer can also cause damage to property or injury to persons in
the vicinity of the force transducer.
Furthermore, if force transducers are not used according to their intended use, or if the
safety instructions or specifications in the installation and operating manual are ignored,
the force transducer may fail or malfunction, with a possible impact on persons or prop
erty (from the loads acting on or being monitored by the force transducer).
The scope of supply and performance of the transducer covers only a small area of force
measurement technology, as measurements with (resistive) strain gage sensors require
the use of electronic signal conditioning. In addition, plant planners, equippers and opera
tors are responsible for planning and implementing force measurement systems in such
a way as to minimize residual risks. Pertinent national and local regulations must be com
plied with. There must be reference to the remaining dangers associated with force
measurement technology.