Let's take a look at B.Beat's buttons
The buttons of the B.Beat in the various
models have the same function, although
the machines are different. The B.Beat X
model, which does not have a keyboard,
is operated either from a B.Beat connect-
ed via network cable or from a Tablet or
Smartphone connected via Wireless
or cable. The buttons that appear on the
App's control panel are the same as those
described here.
BACK button:
BACK button:
goes back one level.
puts B.Beat in live mode, to
avoid blockages and accidental actions,
such as unintentional button presses.
To activate: press Live and confirm your
choice with F3, to deactivate press LIVE
again and F3 to confirm. If you are in Live
mode when pressing any button, you will
be asked whether you want to deactivate
Live mode.
SYSTEM button:
SYSTEM button:
to access the System
Function keys:
Function keys:
they are
assigned to different functions each time,
depending on the screens. The description
of the functions is in the lower boxes of
the display.
pressed once stops play-
back of the current Song/Video, in pause
position. Pressed a second time starts
the current song/video. Pressed the third
time empties the Ram memory of B.Beat.
B.Beat can load video-synchronised Audio
Backing Tracks, or unsynchronised and in-
dependent audio and video. In this case,
the Play and Stop buttons will relate to
music and images independently. You can
select Video or Audio with the F2 key from
the Player screen.
PLAY: the Play button starts the Backing
Tracks Audio (if you are positioned on AU-
DIO or the Video if you are positioned on
Video). When the player is paused, to re-
start it you have to press Play again.
REC (PRO16 version only):
REC (PRO16 version only):
button en-
ables Recording mode. With B.Beat PRO16
plus you can record while a base is play-
Alpha Dial – Enter: the Alpha dial is used
Alpha Dial – Enter:
to scroll through a list on the Display, to
modify a value (e.g. the volume of a track).
Pressed in the middle gives ENTER consent.
UP – DOWN: g e n e r a l l y used to scroll
through lists on the display, to change the
position of the active cursor or to increase/
decrease a selected value.
gives access to individual
items contained in internal memory, Back-
ing Tracks and Videos. If inserted it gives
access to the USB Stick. When a USB
Stick is inserted, you can position on the
stick and browse its contents. Individual
tracks (stereo Mp3 or Wav) can be played
as desired.
PLAYLIST: gives access to the list of Play-
lists in B.Beat. Playlists can be played or
gives access to the list of
Shows and Scenes in the internal memory
of B.Beat.
METRONOME: gives access to metronome
The CLICK, IN CH 1-2 and BCK-TRACKS po-
tentiometers are active if B.Beat is set to
PHONE ON mode. In this case, the head-
phone is active and from the B.Beatman-
ager you can assign the tracks coming
out of the headphone. If B.Beat is set in
PHONE OFF mode the headphone output
will not be active and channels 15-16 can
go to the mixer. To check how to activate
the PHONE ON/OFF mode, please refer to
the B.BeatMANAGER guide.
BCK-TRACKS: adjusts the level of the
Backing Tracks going into the head-
phones. This data can be managed with
both B.Beat Manager and B.Beat.
CLICK: adjusts the headphone level of the
Click or Metronome track
LINE IN: adjusts the headphone level of
the signal entering from the Line In inputs.
VOLUME: adjusts the general output volume.
ETHERNET: to connect via network to the
USB: USB sticks or M-Pen M-Live Wireless
connection sticks can be inserted.
When inserting a USB stick B.Beat dis-
plays its contents in the Library window.
Connecting the M-Pen Wireless
to the USB slot will open the connection
for Smartphones and Tablets in order to
use the Prompter App and view scores and
backing track lyrics.
PC AUDIO Only PRO16 and X version: con-
PC AUDIO Only PRO16 and X version:
nection to the computer to use the inter-
nal sound card.