The outdoor rollator is equipped with a parking brake and an upholstered seat with backrest. The height of the handle is adjustable and the rollator
can be folded for transport or storage.
Before assembling or using the rollator for the fi rst me, read the opera ng instruc ons carefully and keep them in a safe place.
The device serves as a walking aid, support and carrying smaller items both inside and outside. It is intended to be used by a user with reduced
In order to guarantee the safety of the user of the baby rollator, the user should have adequate physical, cogni ve and visual abili es. If in doubt,
please contact the retailer / specialist who recommended the use of the rollator.
It is very important that the user, before using the device for the fi rst me, carefully reads the safety instruc ons contained in this manual. The
instruc ons listed here are intended to prevent possible injury to the user or a third person as well as damage to the rollator or other objects within it.
It is impossible to stand on individual parts of the frame. The frame of the device is not designed for this purpose.
Contraindica ons
physical or mental limita ons (e.g. visual impairment) that prevent the safe handling of the product.
The rollator can be used by a person weighing a maximum of 136 kg.
(1) Please make sure that the brake of an una ended rollator is always locked / on.
(2) Before use, please make sure that all wheels, including moving wheels, are securely fastened.
(3) Please make sure the brakes are func oning properly.
(4) Before using for the fi rst me, please check the height of the handle and its correct fi t.
(5) Please make sure the rollator is fully unfolded.
(6) When unfolding the rollator, the frame should be set in the correct posi on.
(7) To avoid pinching your fi ngers, please stay away from the folding mechanism.
(8) In order to adapt the rollator to your needs, please seek advice from qualifi ed personnel.
(9) Exercise care when li ing or moving the rollator.
When a product-related „serious incident" occurs, which directly or indirectly led, or could lead to, any of the following events:
a) death of a pa ent, user or other person or
b) temporary or permanent deteriora on in the health of a pa ent, user or other person, or
c) a serious threat to public health
the above „serious incident" must be reported to the manufacturer and to the competent authority of the Member State in which the user or pa ent
is resident. In the case of Poland, the competent authority is the Offi ce for Registra on of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.
In the event of pain, allergic reac ons or other disturbing, unclear for the user symptoms related to the use of a medical device, consult a healthcare
1. Pull the strap on the center of the saddle upwards to fold down the rollator.
(1) Using the rollator as a means of transpor ng people - the appliance is not designed as a wheelchair.
(2) Do not sit on the rollator without the brake locked - this could set the rollator in mo on and could injure the user or a third party.
(3) Do not sit on a rollator on a slope without ac va ng the parking brake.
(4) Do not sit on the saddle with a fl ourish - please sit carefully and in a controlled manner, ask for help if necessary.
(5) Do not hang any objects on the brake rod or on the handles, this may impair the opera on of the brakes and / or the stability of the rollator.
(6) Please do not step on the rollator or use it as a support for the feet.
Please make sure that the rollator has not been damaged during transport. In case of visible damage, please do not use the rollator. In this case,
please contact your dealer to have the rollator repaired or returned.
1. Remove the packaging. The rollator is folded up.
2. Unfold the rollator, press the saddle down on both sides.
NOTE: Both sides must be locked into posi on with an audible „click".
3. Hang the bag.
Adequate customiza on
Before using the rollator for the fi rst me, please make sure that it is fully extended and that the frame is properly locked and s ff . It is important to
adjust the height of the rollator correctly in a comfortable posi on.
1. To do this, lower your hands and set the handles of the rollator at the level of your wrists.
2. When holding the handles, your elbows should be bent at an angle of 15 ° -20 °.
3. If you have to bend down or raise your arms to reach the rollator, please correct the height.
4. In doing so, remove the thumbscrew and adjust the handle to the correct height. Please repeat this on the other side of the rollator and check
before use that both handles are locked at the same height and correctly.
TIP: To determine the correct height of the rollator, please consult your physician or specialist dealer.
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