Function • Funcionamiento
Functionnement • Funcionamento
Switching sequence of valve in alarm mode
Secuencia de apertura de la válvula en el modo de alarma.
Séquence d'activation de la vanne en mode Alarme
Sequência de ligação da válvula no modo de alarme
1 min
3 min
Alarm signal via potential-free contact
Mensaje de alarma a través de contacto sin potencial
Signal d'alarme délivré sur le contact sans potentiel
Sinal de alarme via contacto isento de potência
4 min
4 min
The condensate flows through the feed
line () into the ECO-DRAIN 31 unit and
accumulates in the container ().
A capacitive sensor () continuously reg-
isters the liquid level and passes a signal
to the electronic control as soon as the
container is filled.
The pilot valve (4) is then activated and
the diaphragm (5) opens the outlet line
(6) for discharging the condensate.
When the ECO-DRAIN 31 unit has been
emptied, the outlet line is closed again
quickly and tightly without wasting com-
pressed air.
The operating states of the ECO-DRAIN
31 are indicated by two LED's.
If the condensate discharge is not func-
tioning properly, the valve will keep open-
ing (about every 3 seconds) so as to clear
the fault automatically, if possible.
press button for > 1 minute to test the
alarm function (s. below).
The ECO-DRAIN also has an alarm
mode function:
7,5 sec
If normal conditions have not been re-
stored after 1 minute, a fault signal will
be triggered:
• Alarm LED flashes.
• Alarm signal switches over (can be
transmitted via potential-free contact).
• Valve opens every 4 minutes for a period
of 7.5 seconds.
Once the fault is cleared, the ECO-
DRAIN 31 will automatically switch back
to the normal mode of operation.
Malfunctioning could be caused by, e.g.:
• Mistakes during installation
• Dropping below the necessary mini-
mum pressure
• Excessive condensate quantities (over-
• Blocked/shut off outlet line
• Extreme amount of dirt particles
• Frozen piping
Ready for operation
Power on
Test of valve function and manual
drainage: briefly press button.
ECO-DRAIN 31 stand alone