LED Indicator
LED Color
● Green LED
Light on
Flashing slowly
● Blue LED
Flashing slowly
with audible alert
● Red LED
Flashing slowly
with audible alert
Flashing quickly
with audible alert
*Reset : Unplug and replug the power wire.
Auto Feedback Security
AFS Technology is the SMART ATO safety function to secure the ATO system dynamically and
real-time protection against any failure situation.
● Blue
LED(Non-filling alert): SC will alert when it sensed the next non-filling period is 2 times greater
than the last period. For example, if the non-filling period was 13 hours, and SC will alert when the
next non-filling period is over 26 hours.
Non-filling period
Next non-filling alert
(Minimum 24 hours)
*Note: SC will alert if non-refilling period is over 48 hours after installation and first refilling.
● Red
LED(Over-filling alert): SC will alert when it sensed the next refilling time is 3 times greater than
the last one. For example, if the SC refills for 10 seconds, and SC will alert when the next refilling time
is over 30 seconds.
Refilling time
Next refilling alert
(Minimum 15 seconds)
*Note: There is no minimum time control for the first refilling.
Power on
Water empty
Bubble noise
Bad connection
Pump malfunction
(AFS) Technology
5 h
> 24 h
4 s
> 15 s
Adjust the alignment of SC, and system will
automatically go back to normal after refilling
Clean the algae, and system will automatically go
back to normal after refilling
Add water to the tank/sump, and then reset
Reduce the bubble of the tank/sump, and then reset
Reconnect the pump wire by hand, and then reset
Replace the pump to a usable one , and then reset
12 h
13 h
> 24 h
> 26 h
5 s
10 s
> 15 s
> 30 s
15 h
20 h
> 30 h
> 40 h
15 s
25 s
> 45 s
> 75 s