· dash of salt
Mix the egg yolks and sugar with a mixer to a creamy substance. Add the cream and milk. Mix
everything while adding a bit of salt. Put the mixture in the ice cream maker. Time: +/- 30 min.
· 4 dl milk
· 150 g sugar
· 2 dl cream
· 3 egg yolks
· dash of salt
Mix the egg yolks and sugar with a mixer to a creamy substance. Add the cream and milk
and heat the mixture up to boiling point, but don't let it boil. When the foam becomes firm,
there will be a yellow cream on top. Take the mixture of the fire and let it cool down. Add the
mixture in the ice cream maker. Time: +/- 60 min.
· 1 vanilla stick
· 3 egg yolks
· 3 ½ dl milk
· 2 dl cream
· 150 g sugar
Wash the vanilla stick and slice it lengthwise, so the aroma can spread better in the mixture.
Mix the milk and cream, add the vanilla stick to it and heat it up. Take it off the fire as soon
as it boils. Let it cool. Mix the egg yolk and the sugar, add the milk/cream mixture, after
removing the vanilla stick. Heat it up again, but without boiling it. When the mixture start to
set, take it of the fire and let it cool down. Filter the mixture and add it in the ice cream maker.
Time: +/- 60 min.
· 120 g dark chocolate
· 0,5 l whole milk
· 75 g sugar
· 3 egg yolks
· 2 Tbsp runny honey
Beat the egg yolks with the sugar into a frothy mixture. Slowly heat the milk together with the
chocolate and honey until it reaches boiling point, but do not let it boil. Add the milk to the
beaten eggs and allow it to cool. Pour the mixture into the ice cream maker.
Time in the ice-cream maker: +/- 60 minutes.