Yarvik Tablet Manual
In the following screen, you can find all the installed apps and widgets, both seperately viewable by pressing
"Apps" or "Widgets" on top of the screen respectively.
Press "Apps" to view all installed apps.
Press and hold the desired app to have the home screen show up and release the shortcut to any empty
spot on the Home Screen.
To remove widgets and/or app shortcuts from your Home Screen, press and hold them and drag them to the
appeared "Remove" dustbin icon on top of your Home Screen.
Setting a Wallpaper
To change the Home Screen wallpaper, press and hold the Home Screen until the "Select Wallpaper from"
menu comes up.
You can choose from "Live Wallpapers" (animated wallpapers), "Super-HD Player" (photo/video gallery) or
"Wallpapers" (default static images).
Application Menu
Press the app and widget button in the top right corner of your Home Screen:
When the system displays the widgets, press "Apps" to view all installed apps.
Here you can find all the pre-installed programs or "apps" as well as additional apps that you install.
You can launch any app by just pressing the corresponding icon.
file:///Volumes/Product_Data/TAB07-485/Sent_artwork/Manual/internet/Yarvik/Manual/manual_en.html[29-07-13 11:29:49]
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