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Ort übliche Weise anbieten. For further information, contact your local Ravak dealer. The manufacturer reserves the right to amend or improve on existing designs or features. Please help preserve the environment by observing local country guidelines or laws regarding re-cycling. Materials which are not suitable...
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24 months from the date of sale. For further information about assembly, use, and care contact your local dealer. The manufacturer recommends: RAVAK CLEANER - works to remove old and dried-on debris from glass surfaces, shower frames, enamel and acrylic bathtubs, washbasins and water taps;...
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El productor recomienda el uso: RAVAK CLEANER LIMPIADOR RAVAK detergente que sirve para la eliminación de suciedades de la superfi cie del cristal, marcos de la mampara, de baneras y platos de ducha esmaltados y acrílicos, lavabos y grifos, RAVAK DESINFECTANT DESINFECTANTE RAVAK detergente especial con efectos antimohos y antibacteria. RAVAK ANTICALC CON- DITIONER es un preparado que restablece y mantiene perfectamente todas las propiedades requeridas de la capa protectora superfi cial RAVAK ANTICALC AVERTISSEMENT - La maintenance ne demande qu’essuyer les matières plastiques par le chiffon fi n en utilisant les détergents ordinaires de ménage.
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RAVAK Hungary Kft., 1142 Budapest, Erzsébet királyné útja 125, HUNGARY tel.: 06 (1) 223 13 15, 06 (1) 223 13 16, fax: 06 (1) 223 13 14, e-mail:, web: Ravak Gesellschaft für Sanitärprodukte mbH, Alexanderstrasse 58, D - 45472 Mülheim an der Ruhr tel.
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СМОТРИТЕ ТАКЖЕ Душевые кабины Вытяжные вентиляторы Полотенцесушители Смесители Поддоны для душевых Ванны Сифоны Трапы кабин Мебель для ванной комнаты...