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ACC2x1 10" - 29" 80 lb (25 - 73cm) (36 kg) ČEŠ TÜR 2015-04-27 #:120-9197-2 (2020-06-19)
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WARNING ENG - Before installing make sure the supporting surface will support the combined load of the equipment and hardware. Screws must be tightly secured. Do not overtighten screws or damage can occur and product may fail. Never exceed the Maximum Load Capacity. Always use an assistant or mechanical lifting equipment to safely lift and position equipment.
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VÝSTRAHA SLK - Skrutky je potrebné pevne utiahnuť. Skrutky nedoťahuje príliš silno, inak môže dôjsť k poškodeniu a poruche zariadenia. Nikdy neprekračujte maximálnu nosnosť. Na bezpečné zdvíhanie a umiestňovanie zariadení vždy použite pomocníka alebo mechanické zdvíhacie zariadenie. Tento produkt je určený len na použitie v interiéri.
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Tools Needed for Assembly. Herramientas necesarias para el ensamblaje. Outils nécessaires au montage. To properly tighten screws: Tighten until screw Für den Zusammenbau erforderliche Werkzeuge. head makes contact, then tighten another 1/2 Voor montage benodigd gereedschap. turn. Do not overtighten screws. Attrezzi necessari per l’assemblaggio.
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Parts List Description Part # A adaptor bracket 095-P1590 B M5 x .8 x 6mm phillips screw 520-1023 C #10 washer 540-9400 A ( 2 ) B ( 4 ) C ( 4 ) M5 x .8 x 6mm phillips #10 washer adaptor bracket 2015-04-27...
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A ( 2 ) Sold separately. Vendidos por separado. Vendu séparément. PF630, PT630, PP730, Separat verkauft. PA730, SF630, ST630, Apart verkocht. SP730P, SA730P Venduto a parte. ČEŠ Prodává se samostatně. C ( 4 ) Predáva sa samostatne. Vendido em separado. Ayrıca satılır.
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1/4" (6mm) sold separately vendidos por separado vendu séparément separat verkauft apart verkocht venduto a parte prodává se samostatně ČEŠ predáva sa samostatne vendido em separado ayrıca satılır TÜR Tighten. Apretar. Serrer. Anziehen. Aandraaien. Stringere. Utáhněte. ČEŠ Utiahnite. Apertar. Sıkmak. TÜR 2015-04-27 #:120-9197-2...
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Garantia TÜR Garantı̇ Garanzia Záruka Peerless-AV Peerless-AV Europe Peerless-AV América Latina 2300 White Oak Circle Unit 3 Watford Interchange, Av. de las Industrias 413 Aurora, IL 60502 Colonial Way, Watford, Herts, Parque Industrial Escobedo Email: WD24 4WP, United Kingdom General Escobedo N.L., México 66062...