General information
This product is designed for specific uses. We would like to state explicitly that this product
may not be modified and/or used in a manner not in keeping with its intended use.
Changes geared towards technical improvement may be made by the manufacturer without
prior notice and may not yet be included in the instruction booklet.
Safety instructions
To prevent malfunctions, damage and adverse health effects, please follow the
instructions below:
Never use the lamp in the immediate vicinity of combustible materials or gases.
Never cover the bulbs while the lamp is in use.
Be sure to avoid looking directly at the lamp's light beam.
Only charge the lamp using the supplied charging cable.
Do not use the lamp while it is charging.
Check the charging cable prior to charging the lamp. If there is any damage, the
cable must be replaced immediately.
Keep the lamp out of the reach of children or unauthorised persons.
Do not dispose of the working light or its battery in household waste. Instead
dispose of it in accordance with local recycling regulations.