LCD Display
Power Percentage/Fault Code
Power Percentage/Fault Code:
The power display percentage of the current power value. When the system fails, it
will be displayed as the corresponding fault code F0-FF. If the FF code appears,
please remove the load and the product can recover by itself, if not, please contact
after-sales service. In case of any other code appears, please contact our after-sales
Charging Indicator:
The indicator is displayed when charging and disappears when it is fully charged.
Power on/off
Press the "Main Power Button" and the LCD display is illuminated. If you want to turn off
the main power, please press and hold the "Main Power Button" until it turns off.
1. When using with Jackery Explorer 2000 Plus, you can control the power on or off of
Jackery Battery Pack 2000 Plus through the "Main Power Button" of Jackery Explorer
2000 Plus.
2. If there is no discharge output or charging input, the product will automatically shut
down after 2 hours.
LCD Display On/Off
When you press the "Main Power Button" or when charging the product, the LCD display
is illuminated, and when you press it again, the display will turn off.
Charging Indicator