7.6 Temp. Unit Default Setting
Use " " Up, " " Down to select "1" or "0" .
1 = °F
0 = °C
After adjusting the Temperature unit, push the "Enter" button, then press "ESC" to
save the data and return to the normal display.
7.7 pH Manual Temp. Setting
This procedure is only to adjust the manual temperature compensation value for pH
The lower display will show:
^, v Enter:Y
Use " " Up, " " Down to select the desired manual Temp. compensation value.
Press "Enter" once, then press "ESC" to save the data and return to the normal
7.8 Temp. Compensation Factor Setting
This procedure is only used for the Conductivity function.
Use " " Up, " " Down to select the Temp. Compensation Factor (% per °C) of the
measured solution.
After setting the desired value, press "Enter", then press "ESC" to save the data and
return to the normal display.
Temp. Compensation Factor is typically set to 2.0% per C degree.
7.9 CD (µS, mS), TDS (ppm) Default Setting
This procedure is only used for the Conductivity function.
Use " " Up, " " Down to select "1" or "0".
0 = µS, mS
1 = ppm
After adjusting the unit (µS/mS, ppm), press "Enter", then press "ESC" to save the
data and return to the normal display.
7.10 DO % Salt Compensation Value Setting
This procedure is only available for the DO function.
The lower display will show:
% Salt SET
^,v Enter:Y
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