Things to check before calling the Technical Service
General requirements for operation
What to do if...
... the appliance does not work ...
Check that it is plugged in properly.
Make sure that the control knob is not set to
off .
Check that the mains electricity supply is
working. Check the fuse box.
Set the thermostat to a lower temperature.
... the appliance does not work and the
light indicating that the condensed water
tank is full is on ...
Set the appliance on a flat surface. If the
light does not go out, empty the internal
water tank. (See instructions in "Cooling").
... the appliance does not reduce room
temperature sufficiently ...
Check the joins on the hot air expulsion
Make sure that the expulsion tube is not too
bent and that it is not extended to more
than 140 cm.
Make sure that the plug is fitted on the
drainage water pipe.
Fit the suction pad to close the window as
far as possible.
Lower blinds to reduce direct sunlight.
... there is water on the control panel grille
or on the basic filter housing ...
There is no cause for concern. This is
... the appliance makes a lot of noise ...
Some noise is normal and other types of noise
can be solved easily. You need to be able to
distinguish between these types of noise:
Perfectly normal noise
The sound of water flowing in cycles is due
to the pump, which circulates the water to
enhance the power of the appliance.
A dull, humming sound is inevitable due to
the compressor.
A faint, whistling sound is due to the
refrigerant passing through the thinner
pipes on the appliance when the
compressor starts up.
A short clicking sound is produced when the
pump connects and disconnects or when
the regulator connects or disconnects the
electronics system.
Easy-to-solve noises
Make sure that the air expulsion tube and
the diffusion and collection sleeves are
fitted properly onto the appliance.
Make sure that the air intakes and outlets
on the appliance are free of obstacles.
Make sure that the appliance is not in direct
contact with furniture or other appliances.
The air output may be flowing directly onto
these and thereby increasing the noise
Any other type of fault or repair work
should be dealt with by a specialised
Technician. Get in touch with your
authorised dealer, customer service or the
Technical Service Network.