Caution: When using IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN, this product is restricted to indoor
use due to its operation in the 5.15- to 5.25-GHz frequency range. Industry Canada
requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range of 5.15 GHz to 5.25
GHz to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite
systems. High power radar is allocated as the primary user of the 5.25- to 5.35-GHz
and 5.65 to 5.85-GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and/
or damage to this device.
Le gain d'antenne maximum autorisé pour une utilisation avec cet appareil est 6dBi
afin de se conformer à la limite de P.I.R.E pour la plage de fréquences 5,25 à 5,35
GHz et 5,725 à 5,85 GHz en fonctionnement point à point.
CD panel ergonomic specifications
Design viewing distance
Design inclination angle
Design azimuth angle
Viewing direction range class
Screen tilt angle
Design screen illuminance
Reflection class of LCD panel
(positive and negative polarity)
Image polarity
Reference white:
Pre-setting of luminance and
color temperature @ 6500K
(tested under BM7)
Pixel fault class
500 mm
Class IV
Illuminance level:
[250 + (250cos
)] lx where
Color: Source D65
Ordinary LCD: Class I
Protective LCD: Class III
Class II
= 85°
Part no.:
Ver.: 01.01.06