This printer product includes the open source software program "libncurses-5.4 " which applies the terms
and conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the "libncurses".
busybox license
This printer product includes the open source software program "busybox- " which applies the
terms and conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the "busybox".
linux-ftpd license
This printer product includes the open source software program "linux-ftpd-0.17 " which applies the
terms and conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the "linux-ftpd".
ARC4 license
This printer product includes the open source software program "ARC4" which applies the terms and
conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the "ARC4".
json_parser license
This printer product includes the open source software program "json_parser" which applies the terms
and conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the " json_parser ".
MD5 license
This printer product includes the open source software program "MD5" which applies the terms and
conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the " MD5 ".
AES license
This printer product includes the open source software program "AES" which applies the terms and
conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the "AES".
SHA1 license
This printer product includes the open source software program "SHA1" which applies the terms and
conditions provided by owner of the copyright to the "SHA1".
Sujet parent:
Marques de commerce
et Supplies Central
sont des marques déposées, EPSON Connect
est une marque de
commerce et EPSON Exceed Your Vision est un logotype déposé de Seiko Epson Corporation.
Avis général : les autres noms de produit figurant dans le présent document ne sont cités qu'à titre
d'identification et peuvent être des marques de commerce de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Epson
renonce à tous les droits associés à ces marques.