7 Parameters
7.1 General
Irrespective of the operating mode (stand-alone device/SIO or IO-Link device)
there are two options to set the parameters of the device:
• directly on the device via the menu
• or via an IO-Link tool�
Access via an IO-Link tool has a higher priority than parameter setting via the
Some parameters can only be set via the IO-link interface (→ 8.5 Parame-
ters via IO-Link)�
If the device was locked via IO-link, it can also only be unlocked via the IO-
Link interface (→ 8.5.2 S.Loc – software locking).
The scaling parameter ScAL only influences the display and not the transferred
process data or the actual switching threshold values�
Via IO-Link the current value is always transferred in μA (→ 4.3.1 Representation
of the measured current value)� The switching thresholds can be set in steps of
0�01 mA�
If a scaling is set, the menu settings of the switching thresholds (SP, rP etc�)
are also scaled� Via IO-Link, however, the settings continue to be displayed
and executed in steps of 0�01 mA (resolution 14 bits)�