Dipswitch 1: In the off position "YLP" the sensor will open the gate with a yelp siren within three seconds.
In the on position "YDT" (recommended setting) the sensor will open the gate to any sound that reaches the correct decibel
level for 5 seconds (SENSITIVITY).
The remaining dipswitches all determine how long the unit will hold the gate open after it has been triggered.
Dipswitch 2: In the on position "LAT" the unit will latch the gate open until someone pushes the reset button.
Dipswitch 3: In the on position "1HR" the unit will hold the gate open for 1 hour or until someone pushes the reset button.
Dipswitch 4: In the on position "15M" the unit will hold the gate open for 15 minutes or until someone pushes the reset button.
Dipswitch 5: In the on position "5M" the unit will hold the gate open for 5 minutes or until someone pushes the reset button.
Dipswitch 6: NOT IN USE
Sensitivity of the detector in recognising sirens can be adjusted with the "SENSITIVITY" trimmer.
The standard trimmer setting done in the factory is at half stroke which is quite enough in the majority of cases.
However, in installations where the detector is installed a long way from the automatism or there is a great deal of acoustic pollution, we suggest
adjusting sensitivity with some real tests with sirens.
When turning the power on, the amber coloured LED fl ashes slowly meaning that the detector is in the standby status.
The light of the amber coloured LED becomes fi xed when the intensity of the sound received by the detector is higher than the threshold set with
the "SENSITIVITY" trimmer; after this it analyses the tone of the sound to see whether or not it is a siren.
When the detector identifi es the sound of a siren, the relay switches, supplying a closed contact; the amber coloured LED turns off and the green
LED turns on.
Periodically check that the detector is working properly as it provides a very important service, allowing emergency vehicles quick access.
The detector is not, however, a safety device, by which we mean it is not the only device a system has for evacuating areas in an emergency. In fact,
it must always been installed in conjunction with safety devices certifi ed in accordance with the applicable standards.
Supply voltage:
Detection system:
Operating ambient temperature:
Protection level:
Dimensions in mm:
- If the board is receiving the proper power and the Power/Sound light is not blinking the board could be damaged.
- Make a loud and continuous noise, while doing this the Power/Sound light should come on solid, if not, check the microphone or act on the
Potentiometer sensibility
- If the output light comes on but the gate does not open check relays or wirings status.
9-24VdC / 9-16Vac
by means of microphone capsule
-30°C +45°C
120 x 180 x 40