Bef re effecti g a y Ii d f *ai te a ce r c%ea i g y u *ust taIe ut the p%ug. I a y case
f *a%fu cti i g r da*age f the *achi e y u *ust app%y f r auth ri ed assista ce fr *
the *a ufacturer (see Chapter 7).
5.1 C%ea i g
The c&ea%i%g #ust be d"%e every ti#e the #achi%e has bee% used f"&&"wi%g a&& the ru&es t"
preve%t #a&fu%cti"%i%g "f the #achi%e a%d f"r hygie%ic purp"ses Usi%g a w""de% "r p&astic
pa&ate first c&ea% the residue "f d"ugh0 the% with a s"ft sp"%ge a%d war# water accurate&y c&ea%
the pa%0 the spira& the d"ugh breaBer a%d the #"bi&e pr"tecti"%0 dry with Bitche% paper0 the% pass
"ver the parts Must #e%ti"%ed the% a&& the #achi%e with a s#""th a%d c&ea%ed c&"th with a
specific c&ea%i%g pr"duct f"r f""d #achi%es
We rec **e d
t t use a y Ii d f che*ica% pr duct abrasive r c rr sive. Abs %ute%y
av id usi g ru i g water7 differe t t %s7 r ugh r abrasive bJects7 *eta% w %7 sp ges
etc. which ca da*age the surfaces a d be da ger us fr * a hygie ic p i t f view. T
*ai tai the efficie cy a d security f the *achi e it is ecessary t pr ceed with peri dica%
*ai te a ce (every 6 * ths) f the f %% wi g i dicati s
5.2 Te si i g f the upper chai
The chai% #ust be te%si"%ed if0 by checBi%g it0 it bec"#es &""se "r if the r"tati"% "f the spira& is
%"t c"%sta%t U%screw the pa%e& P0 (PICT 14) &""se% the screws Q0 pu&& the supp"rt "f the spira&
R as far as the te%si"% "f the chai% is "pti#/ed0 &"cB the supp"rt R with the screws Q0 put the
pa%e& P "% "%ce #"re a%d fix it
IXER i Series
perati%g #a%ua&