2.1 Legends
Danger: immediate danger of death and severe injury
Danger: danger of death from electric shock
Danger: danger of scald burn
Danger of environmental and material damage
Information, note
2.2 General safety instructions
Store these instructions in such a way that they are accessible at all times for
operating personnel!
In addition to these operating instructions the following documents of related
components and of the pumping media should be applicated:
technical specifications
material safety data sheets
operating instructions
The manufacturer shall not be held liable for damage resulting from non-
adherence to the operating instructions.
Danger of death due to electric shock
> Prior to work on the pump, always disconnect the drive from the
power supply.
Danger of death due to explosion
> Do not pump any liquids with a flash point of less than 55 ° C.
> Do not pump petrol or solvents.