2 Description of the components
The Alibi memory module YMM-03 consists of the memory YMM-01 and the real time
clock YMM-02. Only by combining the memory and the real time clock all the
functions of the Alibi memory can be accessed.
3 Protection of stored legally relevant data and data loss
prevention measures
Protection of stored legally relevant data:
o After a record is stored, it will be read back immediately and be
o There is checksum protection stored in every record.
o All information on a printout is read from the memory with
Data loss prevention measures:
o The memory is write-disabled upon power-up.
o A write enable procedure is performed before writing a record
o After a record is stored, a write disable procedure will be
o The memory has a data retention period longer than 20 years.
4 Trouble shooting
To open a device or to access the service menu, the seal and thus
the calibration must be broken. Please note that this will result in
recalibration, otherwise the product may no longer be used in the
legal-for-trade area.
In case of doubt, please contact your service partner or your local
calibration authority first.
verified byte by byte. If error is found that record will be marked
as an invalid record. If no error, then the record can be printed
if needed.
checksum verification, instead of direct from buffer.
to the memory.
performed immediately (before verification).