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Celduc okpac SOBR967560 Montage

Celduc okpac SOBR967560 Montage


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Sommaire des Matières pour Celduc okpac SOBR967560

  • Page 1 ® S/SOBR967560-WF151/B/17/03/2023 page 1 / 8F/GB Proud to serve you All technical caracteristics are subject to change without previous notice. Caractéristiques sujettes à modifications sans préavis.
  • Page 2 Typical application: <9600W resistor (AC-51 load) on 400 VAC Le relais doit être monté sur dissipateur thermique. SSR must be mounted on heatsink CAD documents: www.celduc-relais.com/uk/plan3d.asp (*) TMS =Thermo Mechanical Stress Solution Proud to serve you All technical caracteristics are subject to change without previous notice.
  • Page 3 PA 6 UL94VO Semelle / Base plate Aluminium, Tinned-plated ® www.celduc.com 5, Rue Ampère BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21...
  • Page 4 Dissipateurs celduc standard/ Standard celduc heatsinks: - 6K/W correspond à un relais monté sur un adaptateur DIN celduc type 1LD12020 6K/W corresponds to a relay mounted on a DIN rail adapter like celduc 1LD12020 - WF210000/ WF151200 = 2.1- 2.2K/W - WF121000 /WF108110 =1.1-1.2K/W...
  • Page 5 Maximum current per connector Nombre de pôles / Number of points per connector ® www.celduc.com 5, Rue Ampère BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel.
  • Page 6 Insérer et retirer un fil / Put and remove a wire Autres types de connecteurs sur demande other types of pluggable connectors on request : for ewample see data sheet of SOB967660 CAD documents : www.celduc-relais.com/uk/plan3d.asp ® www.celduc.com 5 Rue Ampère B.P. 30004...
  • Page 7 For heatsink mounting, it is necessary to use thermal grease or thermal pad with high Thermal grease or pad ® conductibility specified by celduc ® An adhesive model (5TH23000) mounted by celduc on the SSR is mounted in this model Thermal pads Poussez et fermer. Push and close...
  • Page 8 SSRs are complex devices that must be interconnected with other equipment (loads, cables, etc.) to form a system. Because the other equipment or the interconnections may not be under the control of celduc®, it shall be the responsability of the system integrator to ensure that systems containing SSRs comply with the requirement of any rules and regulations applicable at the system level.

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Okpac sobr967560-wf151