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All manuals and user guides at SPEED 750 SPEED 1050 SPEED 1250 SCIE ÉLETRIQUE RADIALE A CARRELAGE TAGLIAPIASTRELLE RADIALE RADIAL TILE CUTTER Art. 57054 Art. 57055 Art. 57056 Leggere attentamente le istruzioni contenute nel presente manuale prima dell’utilizzo. Conservare il presente manuale come riferimento futuro.
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All manuals and user guides at SPEED 750 ß° 230V~50Hz, 1500W 250x25,4x2,5 mm A: 750mm 810x503mm 90° to 45° 220V, 50Hz S2:30min 2950rpm h: 60mm (90°) (45°: dim. max tile 8,5W, IPX8 3000rpm, IP54 48mm (45°) 500x500 mm) SPEED 1050 ß°...
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All manuals and user guides at
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Con la presente dichiariamo Morganti Spa - Via S.Egidio, 12 – 23900 LECCO Italy sotto la nostra responsabilità che il prodotto (Tagliapiastrelle radiale) SPEED 750-1050-1250 (57054-57055-57056) Numero di serie: è conforme alle disposizioni delle summenzionate Direttive CE, nonché alle disposizioni delle seguenti ulteriori Direttive:...
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All manuals and user guides at SIMBOLI PRESENTI SULL’APPARECCHIO Prima della messa in funzione, leggere e applicare quanto contenuto nelle istruzioni per l’uso e nelle Non esporre alla pioggia. Proteggere dall’umidità. norme di sicurezza. Pericolo a causa delle parti che possono essere scaraventate via quando il motore è...
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All manuals and user guides at • Danni all’udito in caso di lavori di lunga durata senza apposite protezioni. • Inalazione di polvere Nonostante tutte le contromisure adottate, potrebbero comunque venirsi a creare dei chiari rischi residui. UTILIZZO SICURO In caso di utilizzo non conforme, le tagliapiastrelle radiali potrebbero diventare pericolose.
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All manuals and user guides at • Prestare attenzione a che tutti i connettori si trovino in un luogo asciutto e non poggino al suolo. • Tenere l’acqua lontana dai componenti elettrici dell’utensile elettrico e dalle persone che si trovano nella zona di lavoro. •...
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All manuals and user guides at Utilizzare solo pezzi di ricambio originali. L’utilizzo di pezzi di ricambio e di accessori diversi potrebbe causare incidenti per l’utente. Il costruttore declina ogni responsabilità per i danni da ciò risultanti. DISIMBALLAGGIO Nota: Accertarsi che tutti i pezzi siano presenti, prima di gettare il materiale d’imballaggio.
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All manuals and user guides at dal disco lama. Stringere le 3 viti ad alette sulle protezioni della lama, mantenendo sempre le protezioni della lama installate durante le operazioni. FUNZIONAMENTO Taglio ad angolo retto Riempire il serbatoio d’acqua e tenere la pompa d’acqua immersa in acqua. Controllare l’angolatura della lama rispetto al tavolo di lavoro con una squadra combinata;...
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All manuals and user guides at Taglio a bisello La testa può essere inclinata da 0 a 45 per il taglio a bisello. Allentare le due leve a cricco (H) sulle staffe di supporto e inclinare la testa dell’angolo desiderato. Quindi serrare nuovamente le due leve.
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All manuals and user guides at I dischi da taglio sono fragili e sensibili agli urti. Prestare quindi attenzione ai seguenti punti importanti: • non far cadere le mole ed evitare gli urti improvvisi; • non utilizzare mole cadute o danneggiate; •...
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All manuals and user guides at DESCRIZIONE Scala guida Guanti leva a pressione Piedi in gomma A Vite a testa troncoconica M5x12 Distanziatore Piedi in gomma B Rondella elastica 5mm Cuscinetto 6000Z Supporto A Rondella 5mm Asta Serbatoio acqua Catena della staffa Molla Leva a cricco...
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All manuals and user guides at
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EC directive: 2006/42/CE Morganti Spa - Via S.Egidio, 12 – 23900 LECCO Italy herewith declare under our sole responsibility that the product SPEED 750-1050-1250 (57054-57055-57056) Serial number: is conform with the above mentioned EC directives as well as with the provisions of the guidelines below:...
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All manuals and user guides at SYMBOLS MACHINE Carefully read operator’s manual before handling the machine. Observe instructions and safety rules Do not expose to rain. Protect against humidity. when operating. Danger – objects may be thrown out at high speed Wear dust protection.
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All manuals and user guides at • Impairment of hearing when working on the machine for longer periods of time without ear protection. • Inhalation of dust In addition, in spite of all the precautionary measures taken, non-obvious residual risks can still exist. SAFE WORKING In case of improper usage radial tile cutters can be dangerous.
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All manuals and user guides at • Make sure that all plug-type connections are in a dry place and do not rest on the ground. • Keep water away from electrical parts of the power tool and from persons within the working area. •...
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All manuals and user guides at Warning! To avoid injury, if any parts are missing, do not attempt to assemble the machine, do not plug in the power cord, do not turn the switch on until missing parts are obtained and installed correctly. Installation Warning! Do not lift the saw without help.
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All manuals and user guides at Remove the outer flange and worn blade disc. ( carefully) Place a new blade disc onto the saw arbor shaft, and sure the disc rotation direction must be clockwise. Place the outer flange and lock nut onto the saw arbor shaft and tighten the blade with 12 & 30mm spanners. Re-install the blade guards.
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All manuals and user guides at If individual pieces are caught by the saw blade uncontrolled. Turn off the saw, when you finish one time of cutting. Make sure the saw is turned off and disconnected from power supply, when you leave the saw. MAINTENANCE Before switch on Visual check if distance blade disc blade guard is 1-2mm.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at DESCRIPTION Rail scale Push lever gloves Rubber feet A Pan head screw M5x12 Spacer Rubber feet B Spring washer 5mm Bearing 6000Z Support A Washer 5mm Water tank Bracket chain Spring Ratchet lever Chain Motor support Support B...
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All manuals and user guides at
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Par la présente, nous Morganti Spa - Via S.Egidio, 12 – 23900 LECCO Italy déclarons sous notre responsabilité exclusive que le produit Radialfliesenschneider SPEED 750-1050-1250 (57054-57055-57056) Numéro de série: est conforme aux dispositions de la directive CE susnommée ainsi qu’aux dispositions des directives suivantes: 2014/30/CE, 2011/65/EG Les normes harmonisées suivantes ont été...
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All manuals and user guides at SYMBOLES UTILISÉS SUR CET APPAREIL Lire la notice d’utilisation et les conseils de sécurité Ne pas laisser la machine sous la pluie. Protéger la avant la mise en marche et en tenir compte pendant machine de l’humidité.
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All manuals and user guides at • Dangers d’électrocution en cas d’utilisation de câbles de raccordement non conformes. • Contact avec des pièces sous tension de composants électriques ouverts. • Endommagement de l’ouïe en cas de travaux d’une certaine durée sur la machine sans protection acoustique. •...
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All manuals and user guides at • Veiller à ce que la pompe à eau soit couverte d’eau. L’utilisation d’autres appareils et d’autres accessoires peut impliquer un risque de blessure. • Ne pas toucher les parties électriques de la machine (par ex. l’interrupteur) les mains humides. •...
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All manuals and user guides at Toutes réparations des différentes pièces de la machine sont à effectuer par le fabricant, ou l’un de ses services aprèsvente. N’utiliser que des pièces détachées d’origine. L’utilisation d’autres pièces détachées et d’autres accessoires pourraient entraîner un risque d’accident pour l’utilisateur, le fabricant dégageant toute responsabilité...
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All manuals and user guides at DÉMONTAGE DU DISQUE DIAMANT : Assurez-vous que le commutateur est désactivé, et que votre machine est débranchée de l’alimentation électrique. Ne pas le faire pourrait entraîner des blessures graves. Retirez les 3 vis à ailettes (E), et enlevez le carter de protection. Retirez l’écrou de blocage du disque (filetage à gauche) avec 2 clés (fournies 30mm &...
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All manuals and user guides at Coupes en biseau jusqu’à 45° : L’ensemble de la tête peut être incliné de 0 ° à 45° pour des coupes en biseau. Desserrez les deux manettes (H) sur la console. Inclinez la tête à l’angle désiré, puis resserrez les deux manettes. ATTENTION : Ne forcez pas trop sur la pièce, sinon vous pouvez provoquer une surchauffe du disque.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at DESCRIPTION Echelle de mesure Poignée levier Embout pied A Vis M5X12 Entretoise Embout pied B Rondelle ressort 5mm Roulement à billes Support pied Rondelle 5mm Tringle Bac réservoir Support chaine câble Ressort Molette Chaine Support moteur Levier...
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Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte dell’utente comporta l’applicazione delle sanzioni previste dalla normativa vigente. Information for users Separate disposal. - This product must not be disposed of with normal household waste. At the end of its useful life, the unit should be given to the collection.
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Vertido ilegal del producto por parte del usuario conlleva la aplicación de las sanciones previstas por la ley. Informações para usuários - Este produto não deve ser descartado junto com o lixo doméstico normal. No final da sua vida útil, a unidade deve ser dada para a recolha.
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All manuals and user guides at Morganti SpA via S. Egidio, 12 23900 Lecco (LC) tel. +39.0341.215411 fax +39.0341.215400 Nr. di serie e-mail: SPEED 750 - 1050 - 1250 Art. 57054 - 57055 - 57056 Made in China...