3. Check if RP-AC56's Wi-Fi indicator turns solid light, which indi-
cates that the Range Extender has connected to the wireless
network successfully. The Range Extender's wireless network
name (SSID) changes to your existing Wi-Fi network name,
ending with _RPT or _RPT5G. For example:
Existing Wi-Fi network name: existing NetworkName
New Extender 2.4GHz network name: existing Networ-
New Extender 5GHz network name: existing Networ-
To connect an additional Wi-Fi device to your Extender net-
work, use the same network password as that of your existing
wireless router.
Move the Range Extender
When the connection is complete, locate the Range Extender
between the router/AP and the wireless device to get better
performance. After placing your RP-AC56 in an ideal location, RP-
AC56 connects to your router/AP in about one (1) minute.
• Place your RP-AC56 between your router/AP and wireless
device to get the best extender performance.
• Place your RP-AC56 in a location where you can get green Wi-
• T o minimize interference, keep RP-AC56 away from devices
like cordless phones, Bluetooth devices and microwave ovens.
• W e recommend that you place your RP-AC56 in open or
spacious location.
u10396_rp-ac56_qsg.indb 9
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Signal Indicator
• To get the best performance, place the Range Extender
between your router/AP and wireless device.
• The Wi-Fi signal indicator indicates the connection perfor-
mance from the Range Extender to the router/AP. Refer to the
Wi-Fi LED indicator in section A Quick Look.
6/15/2015 10:28:29