The contents of this document as it is shown in the following part will
be effective since the product is bought.
Innovaciones M.S., S.L. the official distributor located in Pol. Ind La
Cava, C/. Beniganim, 9, 46892 MONTAVERNER (Valencia - Spain) gua-
rantees the consumer that this product is new and it has not got any fault
in the materials, design and manufacturing process and that it has got the
features declared by the manufacturer.
This formal guarantee is valid for every country in the European Union
and in all of them the consumer has the same right according to legal
measures which say that the shop which sells the product has to offer
this guarantee.
To benefit from this formal guarantee, the Consumer has to take back
the faulty product to the shop when this product was bought showing the
shop assistant the buying ticket of the product with the stamp of the shop
and a signature indicating which product it is being sold, or, failing that,
the bill which must not be modified and it clearly has to show the same
information we have mentioned before.
The formal guarantee is valid for twenty-four (24) months since the pur-
chase of the product. During this period INNOVACIONES M.S., S.L. will
repair and change any faulty product according to its judgement.
The formal guarantee is for the final buyer of the product (Consumer)
and it does not exclude, neither limits the rights of the Consumer accor-
ding to the law and/or the rights which the Consumer has in relation to the
shop which is selling this product.
The formal guarantee is excluded in case of any damaged produced to
the product for the following reasons: if the product is used in a different
way from the information given in the manual book of instructions for its
assembly and use, if the product has been hit or has fallen down, if the
product has been exposed to extreme humidity or heat or any negative
environmental conditions, or sudden weather changes, when the pro-
ducts corrodes itself, it rusts or the product is repaired or
previous authorization, or if it is repaired using spare pieces which are not
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