● Use in bad weathe
● Use in moving veh
For more information
n, please visit www.ptb.de.
4.4 Data transfer
Meteotime transmits
the data during precisely define
known as Greenwich
h Mean Time (GMT).
Central Europe has
UTC+1 during the winter and UT
Great Britain and Po
ortugal have UTC during the win
Forecast transmissio
on times (UTC):
● 22h00 - 3h59 – of
the current (new) day (today)
● 04h00 -09h59 – of
f the next day (tomorrow)
● 10h00 -15h59 – of
f the following day (the day after
● 16h00 -18h59 – of
f the fourth day (two days after t
● 19h00 -21h59 - the
e 30 additional regions
If reception is incomp
plete or interrupted during the s
4.5 Outdoor sens
sor reception
Do not place the We
eather Station and the outdoor s
radio interferences. E
Ensure a distance of at least 1 m
outdoor sensor and t
the Weather Station is 30 m in p
● Walls, reinforced c
concrete ceilings
● Trees, bushes, ea
arth, rocks
● Metal and conduct
ting objects (e.g. radiators)
● Broadband interfe
rences in residential areas (DEC
controlled loudspeak
kers, other remote-controlled we
● It is advisable to li
mit the distance between the W
5 Getting starte
5.1 Meteotime re
ception icons
Once the batteries h
ave been inserted, the Weather
radio-controlled cloc
k signal and the Meteotime wea
● The time and date
e appear within a few minutes.
● After successful re
eception of the time and the date
COUNTRY' and th
hen 'FRANKFURT.M' (or the pr
window. (See sect
tion "6.1 Setting the country and
● Since there is a la
rge amount of available weathe
device needs abou
ut 24 hours from the time of the
all the data. The w
weather icons continue to flash u
● The Meteotime ico
is displayed after successf
● If no signal is rece
eived after 24 hours,
sources of interfer
rence at the device. (See section
©2009 KOCH. All rig
ghts reserved
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
ed time slots in accordance with
TC+2 during the summer
ter and UTC+1 during the summ
r tomorrow)
aid time slots, the weather forec
ensor next to each other. Other
m between the two devices. The
perfect conditions. The range wi
CT telephones, mobile phones,
eather stations, baby monitors, e
Weather Station and the outdoor
r Station will scan automatically
ather signal.
e signal, the display shows 'SEL
reviously set city) in the informat
d city").
er data for all regions and days, t
initial setup to complete recepti
until the weather data has been
ful reception of the Meteotime s
will be d
isplayed. Check if there are pot
n "4.3 Environmental influences
● Use near m
metal structures
● Use with w
weak batteries
h UTC (Coordinated Universal T
casts, or parts of them, will be m
rwise there may be reception pro
e maximum transmission range
ill be reduced by many factors, s
remote-controlled headphones,
for the
ion of
Time), previously
oblems due to
between the
such as:
, remote-